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Wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin'. [Jul. 26th, 2010|11:23 pm]


I would very much like a Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler for a potential romantic storyline.

I'd also like to cast my OC Noir's half-siblings (all of whom are mutants). Two males (one older, one younger) and a slightly (by a few months) younger sister. The elder half-sibling is something of an antagonist to Wren's protagonist. The younger sister wants them all to get along, and the youngest half-brother is neutral when it comes to Noir.

If anyone is interested in any of these roles, well, you know the drill. ;)

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Opening Post [Jul. 23rd, 2010|10:05 am]
This community will be for members and potential members to post their wanted characters and wanted sls. Membership is open, so everyone can join once they have requested a hold and ask for sls with out current members, as well as request characters for themselves.

Right now I will start with the characters that are needed for plot:

Raven Darkhölme/Mystique
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Ororo Munroe/Storm
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Jason Wyngarde/Mastermind
Victor Creed/Sabretooth
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