Genesis Fic

rabid_plotbunny posting in Genesis Fic
User: [info]rabid_plotbunny
Date: 2008-06-08 23:51
Subject: Fic: Like Chocolate (1/1) R+
Security: Public
Mood:amused amused
Tags:author: rabid_plotbunny, fic, genesis, genesis/sephiroth, sephiroth

Title: Like Chocolate
Author: SkyFire ([info]rabid_plotbunny)

Rating: Wobbles between R and NC17, I think...?
Pairing: Genesis/Sephiroth, mentioned Genesis/Angeal
Summary: Genesis gets back from a mission, and Sephiroth learns something new.
Warnings: innoSeph, sort-of PWP
Length: 2484 words.

Note: This is my first smut-fic in this fandom, and one of very few (less than five?) sexually-descriptive fic I've written. Ever; I'm usually more of a fade-to-black writer. Please be nice? *drops fic and runs*

Disclaimer: I don't own the bishies; they belong to Square Enix' harem. I just sneak them out sometimes to play with them. Right. Play... *whistles innocently*

( Sephiroth stood, braced on one hand as he leaned over his desk, studying the maps and reports that littered its surface. )

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