Oct. 3rd, 2008


Still another introduction

A man in late Victorian clothes turns a corner and abruptly stops. For one thing, the sudden relative absence of stench means he can no longer be in London. His eyes catch up with his nose an instant later, and he frowns. Out of curiosity, he takes two steps back around the corner, but still finds himself in a strange, clean and sunny building looking like no place he's been before.

He sighs. "Oh, hang it all, I did not need this today."

T: Richard Carstone Jr. is the son of Richard Carstone and Ada Clare from Charles Dickens' Bleak House. He never knew his father, who died before he was born, but was half raised by his mother's friends Alan and Esther.

Sep. 22nd, 2008


this is new

Magdalen looks at the new, unfamiliar building unblinkingly. With her parents, she's gotten used to things not being right or consistent, but this is still, somewhere down in her stomach, unsettling.

Finally, she calls, "Well? What is it?" with haughty confidence almost wholly assumed. "What do you want?"

Magdalen is the daughter of Linden Kohlrabi and Queen Morgause of Orkney.

Sep. 11th, 2008



The front door swings open and Hannah, broom in hand, storms inside mumbling angrily to herself. As she begins to sweep the foyer in broad, furious strokes, it is some moments before she slows and raises her eyes to actually look at her surroundings. Lifting the broom off the ground, she clutches it protectively in both hands as she advances cautiously down the hall. All she's sure of is that her house isn't half so big as this.