Gender Switch's Journal
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Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

    Time Event
    Fic: Strange Places
    Reposting from my journal on LJ.

    Well, [info]laylah was incredibly nice, and wrote everyone shiny genderswitch cracked called Strange Materia, which I suggest everyone go read, because it is the pretty. Then she wrote a second one, called Strange Requests. Then she replyed to my comment and bunnied me with Aeris/Girl!Cloud. So I begged, and she was kind enough to let me borrow that materia and write it.

    Zack sneaked in somehow, because he's a horny bastard. But all he does is talk, so it's still mostly Aeris/Girl!Cloud. Whee! Crack!

    Fandom: Final Fantasy Seven
    Pairing: Aeris/Girl!Cloud
    Beta: [info]skeren, any remaining mistakes are my own.
    Special thanks to: [info]laylah, for letting me borrow the idea.

    Warnings: Oh, not safe for work, and it's my first yuri, so tell me what I can do to make them better. Yay, girl/girl porn.

    Strange Places(just to keep the naming trend) )
    Fic: Strange Date(FFVII, Zack/Cloud)
    Another repost.

    Okay. As we all know, due to [info]laylah's wonderful gendercrack(Strange Materia and Strange Requests), I wrote Strange Places. That spawned a sequel in my head, and now we have Zack and Girl!Cloud on a date. Smut will happen. So very not safe for work.

    Strange Date )

    This fandom, and this series in particular, got my first yuri and het porns. Yaoi was stolen long ago. Anyway, let me know what I can do to make it better.
    2 hp fics
    These fics, which play with gender (much more trans I'd say) were both written a while ago, but HP fandom is large and I don't know how far the links to these made it ut of my circle of friends on LJ. So, I figured I'd share the links here. feedback is always welcomed.

    Blaise/Blaise; warning for suicidal attempt / unhappy ending
    Written before JKR stated blaise's gender

    much happier fic. Snape/Harry
    Harry has grown past 'the boy who lived' but not everyone understands.

    Note: Both have explicit sex as part of the plot.

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