Gender Switch's Journal
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Friday, August 17th, 2007

    Time Event
    Intro Questions
    Well, I feel I should introduce myself, seeing as you'll probably be seeing me here a lot.

    Do you like reading, writing, making various fanworks? If I did a weekly/monthly challenge, would you be interested.

    Yes, I do. I both read/write fanfiction and draw/oogle fanart. I could say that I 'specialize' in genderswitch, since that is what I mostly write/draw. If there were challenges, then yes, I would be interested.

    When you think of genderswitch, do you think of full fledge gender changes or making your favorites cross dress?

    Mostly, I think of full fledge changes, but I'm not picky.

    Fandoms I tend to dabble in are: Naruto(my main fandom), Bleach, HP, FMA, D.Grayman, Hellsing, and on very rare occasions, LotR. I've just recently added FFVII to that list, and have a few ideas for FFVIII and KH.

    *sigh* I have some FFVII girl!Cloud pics I'd love to post, but I need to scan them...

    Current Mood: calm
    FFVII: Girl!Cloud fanart
    Ah, here we go. Took me a lot longer to get it scanned and posted than I had intended, but they're up and ready for viewing! Both links go to my deviantArt page, and the second one is a bit messy.

    Artist: [info]silara
    Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
    Characters/Pairing: Cloud Strife, hints of ZackxCloud
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Summary: 16 year old trooper!girl!Cloud

    I'm Driving

    Artist: [info]silara
    Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
    Characters/Pairing: ZackxCloud
    Rating: PG-13 for things implied
    Warnings: Partial Nudity, but everything is covered.
    Summary: Cuddle in bed

    Hold you 'til tomorrow...

    Also, I'd like to say that if anyone writes a fic based off of either of these pictures, I will draw them a genderswitched character of their choice from any of these fandoms: Naruto, D.Grayman, FFVII(Orig., AC, Crisis Core)/FFVIII/FFX, FMA, Bleach, KH or HP.

    Current Mood: chipper

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