Dec. 19th, 2008


ยป 36 Flower and Plant icons

Earth laughs in flowers. )

rules | resources

Oct. 31st, 2008


Animal sanctuaries

are suffering during the Recession. If you can't adopt or foster, you can contribute in other ways, such as buying gifts.

In honour of my adopted donkey, Ned, I made some icons.


donkeys ahoy )

Oct. 8th, 2008


20 icons with watery a theme

Some of the holiday pics turned out quite well so I made some icons.

Teaser: Big Wheel, Boats, and Beach-huts.

Big Wheel from original image by [info]totkat


Big Wheel, Boats, and Beach-huts )

All are shareable and may be used as bases.

Feb. 13th, 2008



The year of the rat, and [info]totkat had her camera out at the Chinese New Year parade in London last weekend.

Chinese New Year icons )

All icons are shareable. Please credit to [info]totkat for the bases.
