Gate Collision OOC's Journal
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in Gate Collision OOC's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, June 14th, 2007
    8:06 pm
    Guide to Scenery
    Scenery! Now, while the whole world is involved and you are free to go to and fro as you please, we thought it would make things so much simplier if there was a "focal point" in our demolished little world. And this focal point would, of course, be the Munich area act surprised. Anyway, it's where a lot of movie-canon events happened, and where the storyline shall continue to happen ;D In the LJ cut below there are descriptions of certain locations, but these are hardly all of them your characters are allowed to be in. This is mostly a guide to help you out if you are unsure where to place things, or to give you a general idea.

    Here and there, out and about... )

    World... mesh... 'kay? )

    So... hopefully that wasn't confusing, or made you raise eyebrows, or anything XD Again, it's something to help you out. Any additions you'd like to see are more than welcome to be suggested. As are questions, any other comments, or lemurs. I also need to stop deciding to start these at stupid o'clock.
    7:58 pm
    Roleplaying Cogs
    Hey again, all. Since all RPs have a different way of working, I thought I'd finally announce what sort of workings will go on around here.

    The Communities/Journals
    So you both have a journal and a community to post at. Where should you post your thread?

    The main community will be for major events, or threads that are open to everybody; scenes that take place in public areas, that way if your character is around, they can wander in if they please. Anything that effects the entire RP as a whole IGly will be posted here. Think the Nexus without the questions, if you're familiar with that setting.

    Personal journals will be for more private threads; scenes with maybe one or two other people, or a thread that isn't open for just anyone to pop in should it effect plots and the such.

    If you want to post a major/gamewide thread in your personal journal, that's perfectly fine-- we're not asking to be totally OCD with our organization here. It's just something to help out a little.

    First off, there will be no journal system in this RP. It just wouldn't work. This world doesn't have that sort of technology for computers and we're not about to make up some silly reason why. If you want your character to meet people, try throwing your characters into a public thread.

    Our preferred method of storytelling is prose in third person. Knowing a few of you (as this post was made), I know you already do that. But just clearing that up.

    Interaction and Communication
    We're small, which means it'll be easier for everyone to get to know each other better. We have a mun contact list here (which by the way, if you haven't posted to yet, we'd really appreciate it if you did), in case you need to talk to someone.

    Do you have an idea you want to play out with someone? Ask them! We're all a friendly bunch, so don't worry. If a certain idea doesn't work out, ask them if they'd be willing to bounce it back and forth until something does work. Or if you just want to throw two characters together and see what happens? Again, ask! OOC communication is the key.

    Posting up an open thread and labeling it as such, then see if anyone is willing to jump in works as well. Everyone is willing to get some RPing going, so don't hesitate at all to do that.

    That's all for tonight though I'm pretty sure I forgot something. Any questions, comments, suggestions or food fights are encouraged.
    7:51 pm
    World Areas
    Organization for what areas go where is as follows:

    Central Amestris has become host to the majority of the western European countries, with the rest of it spread over the remaining area. Austrailia has been merged with the southwestern area.

    Drachma is playing host to Russia and other northern counries of similar ilk. Ishbal and the eastern reigion have Middle Eastern invaders and Creta has the North American countries. Auergo has a kind of mix of Africa, 'Middle' America, and bits of South America. Predictably, Asia and Xing are merged.

    Any other countries or world areas you can think of are off of the 'known' map of 'Shamballa' (I'm too tired to think of another name for it).
    7:38 pm
    Plot Overview
    A few months after the events of the movie, something strange is going on with the Gate. Alchemists notice that it's taking more energy to complete their transmutations and the reactions are less stable, and on both sides of the Gate a few people have odd dreams of the lives of their counterparts on the other side. It's not widespread, and few notice what is happening.

    A week later, it becomes all too obvious.

    Without warning, both worlds suddenly merge with eachother, great arcs of energy flying everywhere for a few terrifying seconds. When it's over, everything is half-destroyed, and suddenly there's a lot more people around than there used to be. Weather patterns are completely thrown for a loop, causing random storms and droughts in areas that had never seen them before. The alchemists find that their abilities are severely impaired, and the few that know of the Gate realize that any alchemic abilities related to it are gone, and the Gate itself may very well no longer exist.

    Over the next few days, the members of the two worlds re-form their seperate governments and organizations. Tension between the groups is high, especially from the former residents of Earth. War seems almost inevitable, and underground groups and organizations find it far easier to conduct their operations, especially Thule, which gains more members by the day.

    Worst of all, the Elric brothers haven't yet found any clues as to the whereabouts of Huskisson's bomb. With all the conflict going on, a weapon of that magnitude will certainly be desired by both sides. They must track it down, before it's too late...
    7:38 pm
    What is the basis of this comm?
    In a nutshell, it's a recycled idea of mine that was pulled off in a bad way previously. After the movie, I imagine that what with all the Gate hopping and people living of the 'wrong' side, things would get a little stressful for the Gate. One thing leads to another, and it kind of...implodes. Which merges the two parallel worlds and screws with various laws of the universe. Alchemy is far more dangerous and limited, and there's a lot of different technological possibilities that have opened up.

    Does this mean that alter!characters are available to be played?
    YES. With the current cast, the Amestris side of things has a biiiit of an advantage, and we all know we wanna see Nexus-esque OMGWTFMIRROR moments. :D But I'd like to see the canon side of things filled out a bit before we go crazy with alters.

    How do I go about applying in the first place?
    Fill out the application form and send it to, and hang tight until the other mods and I have a look over it. We should get back to you within a week at the latest. If you're accepted, please join both the main comm and the OOC comm.

    May I apply for more than one character?
    At the moment, the maximum amount of characters one person can control is two.

    How often do I need to post?
    Once the plot actually starts moving a definite requirement will be set, but for now I'm going to set the bar at once every two weeks minimum. This is my first adventure in modding, so things will probably be bumpy.

    How will things be played here?
    Anything in the main comm needs to be relevant to the game itself; OOC comments go in the OOC comm. Anything beyond PG-13 (and possibly violence-type R) goes in your journal and under lock. Also, communication is your FRIEND. We all just want to get along.

    As far as style, I couldn't care less, just so long as it's coherent and readable. If we have to stare at your post for three minutes just to figure out what your character is doing or saying, there's something wrong here.

    I have a suggestion/criticism for the plot/setting. Where do I address this?
    However you wish! Post in the OOC comm, or in a marked post in your character journal, or you can send an e-mail to one of the mods if you feel more comfortable with that. Things are still in the contruction stage, any help is highly appreciated.

    And as mentioned before, this is the first game that I've moderated at all. This will most definitely be a bit awkward at times, but hopefully we all have nough humor to get past it, eh? :D;;;

    I have a question that isn't listed here. Who do I talk to?
    E-mail me with anything you'd like to know and I'll get back to you ASAP.
    7:34 pm
    Personality: Personal interpretation if applying for a canon character, more comprehensive if making an original character.
    Background/History: Same deal as personality, personal interpretation or more complete original backstory. Abilities and such would go here.
    Sample Post: Preferably around a hundered words or more, so we can get a feel for your personal style and abilities.

    E-mail applications to with the title "Gate Collision Application". Unless something happens IRL, you'll get a reply within a week, at which point one of the mods will accept your character journal into the comms. No more than two characters to a mun, please.
    7:28 pm
    Cast List
    Edward Elric:
    Alphonse Elric:
    Winry Rockbell: [info]wrenchgenius ([info]gryphcat) [moderator]
    Roy Mustang: [info]generalmustang ([info]jchaos)
    Riza Hawkeye: [info]lt_hawkeye ([info]emilie_burns)
    Alex Louis Armstrong:
    Jean Havoc:
    Heymans Breda:
    Kain Feury:
    Vato Falman:
    Maria Ross:
    Denny Bloch:
    Russel Tringham:
    Fletcher Tringham:
    Officer Hughes:
    Fritz Lang:
    Hess: Requested for plot
    Karl Haushoffer: Requested for plot

    Alter!Breda: [info]cleverclergy ([info]gryphcat)
    Alter!Trisha: Requested for plot (contact [info]gryphcat for more info)
    Alter!Roy: [info]roymustanen ([info]jchaos)
    Alter!Riza: [info]emilie_burns ([info]emilie_burns)

    Feel free to make alter!characters, we like diversity! :D
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