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[Aug. 13th, 2017|07:31 am]

[Current Music |Ours - Miseryhead]

christ, your head. what's it become?
while the whole world's out having fun

i'm in a cloud, it's pulling me down, breaking me down )
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[Jun. 30th, 2017|05:32 am]

[Current Music |Book - Milk & Honey by Rupi Kaur]

I found her book of poetry in the library today by mistake, it wasn't what I was intending to pick up, and yet now I can't put it down. I've been awake for several hours now, unable to sleep, but with each turn of the page I find myself dreading the end. Her soul is rich in ways that I fail to describe. I may just have to scour some local bookstores in order to add this to my collection. So I'll leave this here and try for more sleep before it's time for classes.

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