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Hiatus darlings [June 20 2009 / 04:51pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Well, I'm leaving Germany for good and heading to my next station (Gitmo... yeah, Gitmo. I'm dead serious). However, I'm taking leave in my home state of Mass for 2 weeks before heading south. I should have internet when I get there but there could be set up and stuff. Anyways, my hiatus plans.

Tomorrow, I move out of my room into temporary housing so no internet or limited access. I fly home the 24 where internet will be waiting for me. So until then, darlings... just assume Ethan is sniffing around where he's not wanted and Hikaru is annoying everyone in the dayflowers per usual!


Intro Post [April 22 2009 / 05:32pm]

Hello game! My name is Lola, and I'm happy to bring you Natalia Lin, the Scarlet Lady's personal assistant.

Natalia has been working for Scarlet for the past five years. She handles all her finances, non-underworld business contacts, scheduling and errands. She is not a member of the Hibiscus itself, and thus not privy to the shadier dealings of her boss. Natalia wishes that Scarlet would bring her in, though. She is utterly devoted to Scarlet in every way and would defend her no matter what is being said or who her opponent is. If you're not Scarlet, prepare to be frozen. Natalia is, in nice terms, a total cold fish; those who are less polite might call her a frigid bitch. She is no-nonsense, all-business, and has no time for your tomfoolery. If you are closer to the Lady than she is, Natalia harbors a bit of jealousy towards you.

That is all the summary I have right now. For the whole shebang, look here. All plots, storylines, past encounters? I would love to hear them! Thanks!

Time to annie up, yo! [April 19 2009 / 07:01am]
Alright. . .

Since tonight I will be on (without passing out v.v ), I will be looking for those of you on AIM.

If you don't (or I don't) have me (or you) on (our) list, ping me. XD

So far lined up, I would need to scene with Hideki and Dan, and already scened with Maiyuki. -cough-, so, if you have ideas, comment me, and I will add you (or you me), and we will act out aggressions. -grin-

So yes. . .let me know. . .o kudasai.

P.S. Has anyone ever seen Weiss Kreuz? the anime? also called Knight Hunters? This place gives me that feel like. . .whoa. x]

[April 18 2009 / 02:14am]
Heylo, all, name's Damien, and my boy Keichi here is up for some drama llama and some good sex and violence. ^_^

Keichi Noro is a realtor in New Alexandria, and he has nifty ways of finding out information, which will be revealed in time. ^_~ His sweet and gentle demeanor is quite the facade, and he wears the mask well, don't let him fool you. Or yet, let him fool you, and find out where it leads. -grin-

He works for Hideki, and has been a long time friend of Maiyuki's, even since before she became a model. He rather enjoys host clubs and the red light district, and could be a very good client for some of those places. -coughBlackSwancough- So yes, this will be intruiging, I can assure you that.

SL's are more than welcome, as one can never have enough. ^_^

You can reach me at the AIM name listed (I generally go on invisible, so if it says I'm offline, go ahead and message me. I tend to do that because I am linked to other sn's, and I get pinged to death. LOL), or you can PM me, or leave a comment in my journal.



Another char! [April 18 2009 / 07:58am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Hi! Mary here, the player who brought you [info]thecrazy. Now, I come bearing the gifts of this little number, Rita Skeeter Ethan Yamazaki. He's Aaron's little brother and his antithesis. Ethan is a newspaper reporter who specializes in human interest stories but he really wants to become an investigative reporter and he's highly ambitious. He's the type who would do anything if it means furthering him in life, anything if it means getting a good story. The ends do justify the means with him. So he's very much a Slytherin personality. He's a bit fascinated with crime, sort of sees himself as the next Agatha Christie and writes mystery stories on the side (although he hasn't gotten those published yet).

Personally, he's a bit socially aggressive. He likes talking to people and wears his heart on his sleeve even though he is constantly on the go and full of energy. He has to be in the middle of some project or else he's not happy. And he's curious to a fault. Yes, he wants to know your business and asks a lot of questions. Although, you may want to be careful what you say to him because he's somewhat of a gossip too.

Some quirky facts about him is that he's really short and looks young. His aggressive personality probably is read as a Napoleon complex by some. He has many allergies including an ironic allergy to fish which gets him out of working in the family business. But his less deadly ones include, dogs, cats, certain soaps and detergents, and pollen. He's also gay and out but be prepared to get kicked in the shins if you call him flaming. He does spend some time on the club scene even if it is just to network.

Ethan is like sand... he gets into everything or tries to. BEWARE THE NOSY REPORTER!!!!

Anyways, questions/comments/plot ANYTHING? Let me know! AIM me at psionickender or e-mail me at

Introduction Post [April 05 2009 / 08:28am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Hi, my name is Mary and I'm so excited to be playing in this game. I'm a 27 year old Capricorn who currently works and lives in Germany. I'm a soldier and I watch way too much jdramas for my own good.

Anyway, I present to you for your approval and entertainment, Hikaru Mifune AKA the Smiling Fox AKA The Crazy. He's sort of a gopher for the Dayflowers; you know, delivering packages, stalking people, killing the occasional person. That is just his night job. His cover job is he's a sushi chef at a restaurant in uptown.

He's a bit of a goof ball, everything is one big joke to him, and he often plays the fool (even though he's quite intelligent). He's not entirely stable, doing only what he does because it is a step closer to his goals of finding who slaughtered his family (I'm looking at you Hibiscus) and getting even. He is known to laugh at inappropriate times and be almost pleasant even when smashing your face in. The easiest way I can describe him is he's like Soujiro Seta from Rurouni Kenshin in that he usually is smiling but that is just a mask if you will.

I wouldn't say he's a very bad person... he just does bad things occasionally and to make himself feel better, he laughs and makes it into a game.

When he isn't killing people, obsessing over who killed his family, cooking, or being Dayflower's bitch boy, he likes playing video games, watching cartoons, and playing with his pets.

Plot, past relationships, questions are all welcome. :D

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