Jan. 14th, 2008


Fanfic: The Go board

Title: The Go Board
Fandom: Hikaru no go
Author: [info]qem_chibati / Qem
Characters/pairing: Goban/Sai forever! + Shusaku (Kuwabara Torajiro)
Length: this thing is only just UNDER NINE THOUSAND. D:
Rating & Warnings: Gen, Um. Death, but I think that one was obvious.


Jan. 9th, 2008


Fic: God’s Mysterious Ways (Hikaru no Go)

This community seems quite dead, but I don't know any other anime asylums on IJ and wanted to pimp my fic somewhere... ^^;;

Title: God’s Mysterious Ways
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Author: [info]sivullinen
Characters/pairing: Touya Kouyo (and some others)
Length: ~2000 words
Rating & Warnings: Gen and spoilers for significant parts of the anime
Summary: After his death, there are still some adventures for Touya Kouyo.
Authors Notes: Written for trensaddiction at fifthmus!

Everything was white.

Jun. 11th, 2007


Fanfiction: Hikaru no Go: Le Ping Vs Waya round 1.

Title: Just another doppelganger of a day.
Fandom:Hikaru no Go
Author: Qem, [info]qem_chibati
Characters: Waya, Isumi, Le Ping, Yang Hai
Length: 660, drabble
Rating: Gen, PG, set after Hokuto cup.
Summary: Le Ping gets the answer to a question he asked a long time ago.

As Waya bowed his head solemnly in greeting to the Chinese insei, he could feel the quiet snickering of Yang Hai and Isumi in the background and the gasps of the Chinese students in front of him.  )