F.F.F. - Funny Fan Fiction

Laugh till you are as blue as Violet Beauregard

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F.F.F - Funny Fan Fiction


April 21st, 2008

HAHAHA, not-coed Naked Yoga

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From Talesinbloom(LJ) this lovely little LOTRPS AU tidbit, lots of naked, a little yoga, and plenty of laughs.

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January 9th, 2008

Slashababy recs

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[info]slashababy, if you live under a rock in Oklahoma, is a holiday fic exchange in the LOTRPS genre.  2007's round is up.  A few highlights below:

Acquiescence - by  [info]capra_fera wins the award for most creatively dirty use of otherwise innocuous musical terminology.

Freak - Short, sweet, and quite funny fic by [info]trianne.  (LJ)

Weird Science -  Crack!fic by [info]stormatdusk. (LJ) Billy and Orlando are researchers on a project called P.E.N.I.S.  LMAO funny.

Will add more later I'm sure as I make way through them.  Weird Science wins though so far.  I can't resist the cheese and dirty acronyms.  I am weeeeak.

October 21st, 2007

Rec: LOTRPS: Bill/Dom

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I was going to rec this one a while back and forgot.  Hyacinth_sky747 (LJ) has written a perfectly characterized little ficlet using little besides snappy dialogue, which, because it's the hobbits, is quite funny and snarky.  Four Hotel Rooms and a Backseat.  Rating: rather silly and sweet

September 22nd, 2007

Some Recs

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Next few posts will be recs from others over on LJ. I've been posting at all my comms over there looking for funny fic recs and I'm going to share all the links here with descriptions of each one. No guess work for you at all! yay! Ain't it great when someone else does the work for you?

First group is from my favorite enigma, kissing_athelas of LJ.
This group is all LOTRPS EW/DM

Anger Management by sweetserene The boys are about to come to blows, American vs. British rivalry coming to a head - sorta. Silly Scale: slightly silly
Unexpected Consequences by kyuuketsukirui Elijah finds out Dom is an alien. Silly Scale: slightly silly
Canis Interruptus by bunniewabbit Um. Halloween fic. Don't wanna spoil it. Silly Scale: rather silly indeed
Neighborly by almostnever Another Halloweeny-type fic, this time Lij is the monster though. Silly Scale: makes my fool heart patter with silly love
Cloud Nine by airgioslv Short, sweet as hell. Billy is in this one too!+++ Silly Scale: makes my fool heart patter with silly love
A Short Play for Easter by bbollinger This one. Well. kissing_athelas really really REALLY loves this one so I'll put it here, but it might take longer for the page to load than it takes you to read the "play". Silly Scale: slightly silly
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