The Yami no Matsuei Drabble Challenge Community
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May 2009
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veleda_k [userpic]
Gift giving: From One Who Truly Loves You

Title: From One Who Truly Loves You
Author: Veleda
Spoilers: King of Swords Arc
Authors Notes: Cross-posted from the lj fuda_100

Eileen creeps into the doctor's room, silent as death. Her eyes light up when she sees the half empty bottle of wine. The fools haven't learned not to drink the wine, she thinks gleefully. Grinning triumphantly, she pours the strychnine into the bottle.

You'll hurt so badly when he dies; won't you, my love? She thinks fondly. But I'm doing this for you. He'll never betray or lie to you again. We'll both be free of that monster.

She presses her hands to the heart that they share. Think of it as a gift... from one who truly loves you.

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