The Yami no Matsuei Drabble Challenge Community
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veleda_k [userpic]
Non-Challenge: Not in Front of the Children

Don't be dead, community!

Title: Not in Front of the Children
Author: Veleda_k
Author's Notes: I was playing with a random word generator, and got the word "expletive." Somehow, this came about. My brain is diseased.

Hisoka looked at the strange, blobby things and glared. Watari could make whatever twisted creations he wanted, as long as they didn't make trouble for Hisoka.

This definitely counted as trouble.

"Daddy! Daddy!" The bizarrely adorable blobs crowded around his legs.

"I am not your daddy! Dammit!" he spat.

"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki looked horrified. "Not in front of our children! You'll be a terrible example if you don't--Ah! No! Domestic abuse will create a horrible environment! They won't be able to form healthy relationships later in life!"

In the corner, Watari shook his head. "Those kids will need years of therapy."

veleda_k [userpic]
Non-challenge: Life's Precious Jewels

Title: Life's Precious Jewels
Author: Veleda ([info]veleda_k)
Spoilers: King of Swords arc
Author's Notes: They were so sweet before they became horrifically doomed. Written for [info]femslash100.

Eileen stands at the edge of the room, terrified. The people around her glitter and gleam, and every woman is wearing jewelry worth more than Eileen has seen in her life.

"Eileen! Why are you alone?" Tsubaki-hime runs up to her, her diamond necklace glimmering. She frowns when she sees Eileen's misery. "Aren't you having fun?"

Eileen shakes her head. "I don't belong here," she says softly.

Tsubaki-hime puts her hands on her hips. "Nonsense. You're the prettiest girl here." She smiles. "Dance with me."

As she allows herself to be led, Eileen thinks that Tsubaki-hime's smile is prettier than any gem.

veleda_k [userpic]
Letting go: Logic

Title: Logic
Author: Veleda
Spoilers: Kamakura arc
A/N: I'm writing stuff! Of course, I should be doing homework, but, uh, so what?

Nagare decides early on that there is no point in visiting the boy in the hospital. It isn't as if he can accomplish anything, after all.

It's best to act as if the child (no, not child, abomination) is already dead. A clean break is better than watching his son (it, there is no merit in thinking of it as his son) waste away in slow agony. Besides, the boy is a monster and too weak to even live long enough to die properly. He isn't worth missing.

Nagare's gut twists, and he wishes that his heart could agree with his logic.

veleda_k [userpic]
Non-challenge: Dangerous

Title: Dangerous
Author: Veleda
Author's Notes: Written for [info]drabble_a_trois. Cross-posted from the lj fuda_100

Ukyou knows that the men she loves are dangerous. It's easy to see with Kazutaka. His eyes glint like naked steel, and his smile is as sharp as a scalpel's edge. He tries to hide it around Ukyou, but she loves him far to much to let herself be fooled.

Oriya is more subtle. He is deadly like an arrow in flight, like the delicate taste of poison in fine tea.

The men that Ukyou loves are dangerous, but it's only around them that she feels safe. To Ukyou, that doesn't seem strange at all.

Maybe that makes her a little dangerous too

veleda_k [userpic]
Gift giving: From One Who Truly Loves You

Title: From One Who Truly Loves You
Author: Veleda
Spoilers: King of Swords Arc
Authors Notes: Cross-posted from the lj fuda_100

Eileen creeps into the doctor's room, silent as death. Her eyes light up when she sees the half empty bottle of wine. The fools haven't learned not to drink the wine, she thinks gleefully. Grinning triumphantly, she pours the strychnine into the bottle.

You'll hurt so badly when he dies; won't you, my love? She thinks fondly. But I'm doing this for you. He'll never betray or lie to you again. We'll both be free of that monster.

She presses her hands to the heart that they share. Think of it as a gift... from one who truly loves you.

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