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There Was Crack, and It Was Good.

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Fanart: Face-Off [PoT] [Dec. 30th, 2007|06:40 pm]

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[Current Mood |restless]
[Current Music |Tenimyu - Tough ]

This one is for [info]athena8 and [info]shadows_in_mind. I thought it'd be fun sending each only a half of the card ([info]silver_lined said that was a good idea, so you can blame it all entirely on her. >D).

Face-Off. )

I hope you already got your card, [info]shadows_in_mind. ;;
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Fanart: Training [Yagyuu/Marui] [Jun. 8th, 2007|04:11 am]

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[Current Mood |satisfied]
[Current Music |Oishi - Rain-Dance]

For [info]kirayukari! I hope you like it. ♥


Training sure has changed since Yukimura went to the hospital. XD )
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Fanart: Strange Relationship [PoT D1] [May. 10th, 2007|01:10 am]

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[Current Mood |tired]

Seriously, my favourite pairing and it takes me this long to make a decent attempt at art for my boys? I should be ashamed of myself. -_-


Strange Relationship. )

Inspired by [info]yuki_scorpio's D1 fanfic Strange Relationship, one of the best D1 fanfics ever. If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend it. ♥
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Fanart: Crack!D1 [PoT] [Feb. 7th, 2007|12:58 pm]

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[Current Mood |giggly]

For [info]shadows_in_mind: this is completely her fault, so if you need to blame anyone, blame her. ♥

There's nothing here but crack, so move along. )

Yes, someone should arrest me for crimes against anatomy. ;____;

Credit: Cloud Brushes © JavierZhX
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YAGYUU!!! ♥ [Oct. 19th, 2006|03:00 am]

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[Current Mood |sleepy]
[Current Music |Yagyuu ]

Two birds with one stone: pop the cherry of [info]miska158's and mine crack community and celebrate the birthday of my favourite Rikkai boy (next to Niou, that is) Yagyuu Hiroshi. ^_^;

Happy birthday, Yagyuu! ♥

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Done in approximately half an hour, sloppily coloured, the anatomy is all wrong... I know, I suck, but at least it's something, unlike what I did for Atobe's (or Tezuka's) birthday. >_>;

Also, first post. ♥
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