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There Was Crack, and It Was Good.

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Fanart: Taken by Surprise [Pot: An/Kamio] [Oct. 8th, 2007|01:10 am]

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[Current Mood |hopeful]

Because we all know that if An-chan doesn't take matters into her own hands, it'll never happen. ♥

Gotcha~! e )

Forgive the crappy colouring, I was lazy. Created from scratch in openCanvas.
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Fanart: Affection [PoT: Kamio/Shinji] [Sep. 13th, 2007|01:30 am]

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[Current Mood |hungry]

So cute it makes you gag. e )
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Fanart: Threesome [PoT: ChitoseAnTachi] [Aug. 28th, 2007|08:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |mischievous]

For [info]miska158. ♥ (Not what she had in mind, I am sure, but no worries, I'll work on more of this pairing. ...If that makes anyone feel better. >_>)

The three of us make the best couple. :3 )
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