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Fanart: Smex You Up [PoT: Atobe/An] [Jan. 9th, 2009|08:55 pm]

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I blame this one entirely on [info]kirayukari! ♥

I also can't point this out enough: ENTIRELY, COMPLETELY, UTTERLY NOT WORKSAFE.


Smex You Up. >D )

Edit: Totally forgot to add: yes, reference was used for the poses. One of those tiny images you see on hentai sites. I have no idea where I got it from, actually. >_>

*goes hide now*
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Fanart: Hottest Couple [PoT: Saeki & Atobe] [Sep. 7th, 2007|12:42 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]

Hottest fo' real. e )
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Fanart: Makin' Luuuuv [PoT: AtoTez] [Aug. 27th, 2007|08:54 pm]

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[Current Mood |horny]
[Current Music |RENT - La Vie Boheme]

Uh, I fail at naming this :D?

AtoTez smut under cut. NSFW! )
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Fanart: Royal Pair [May. 9th, 2007|01:16 pm]

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[Current Mood |hungry]
[Current Music |Ashley Tisdale - Kiss The Girl]

Also done for [info]kirayukari! D1 now, plz kthnx! *____*


Royal Pair. )

I know the colouring is dreadful. I'm sorry. ;____; But it's either crappy colouring, or no fanart at all. >_>
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Fanart: Tackle (+ crappy sketch) [Pot: Atobe/An] [Jan. 23rd, 2007|11:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |awake]
[Current Music |Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way]

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Fanart: Tackle. )
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Fanart: Tango Pair [Nov. 8th, 2006|03:12 am]

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[Current Mood |anxious]
[Current Music |NewS - Cherish]

Hah, I am so original with titles. Not. >_>;

Anyway, done as an answer to a meme (the second one) for my twin over the Big Blue Pond, [info]uozlulu! Hope you like it, darling. ♥

Preview: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Fanart under cut. )

Comments loved, especially constructive criticism. ♥
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