Jun. 21st, 2010


[Owl to William Beckett]

December 21st
Mr Beckett,

If you could stop by the hospital wing sometime in the next few days, I have something I wish to discuss with you regarding the blood tests I took last month as soon as possible.

Healer R. Bryar

Jun. 20th, 2010


[Owl to Spencer]

December 24th


Please come to the library at your earlier convenience; your expertise is required. You might wish to announce yourself at the door as well, particularly if you are a traditionalist or if Mikey accompanies you or of a superstitious nature. There are wards on the door in case you forget, so please don't be alarmed by the chorus of handbells that may arise should you enter without declaring yourself beforehand.


Jun. 17th, 2010


[Owl to Professor Saporta]

December 24th, 2009

Professor Saporta,

I would like to thank you personally for taking the time to aid my research into non-toxic Dark magic warding potions. Your expertise has been invaluable, and I appreciate all of the suggestions you've made to guide my area of study. You have been very generous with your time, but I realize you have a busy schedule and little spare time to devote to the extracurricular projects of others. At this time, I plan to continue my research in partnership with another staff member so as to not presume further upon your goodwill. Thank you again for your munificent assistance in this matter.

William Beckett, Hogwarts Librarian

Jun. 16th, 2010


[Owl to Professor Way]

Professor Way,

I'm sure you have noticed the current absence of a Head of House for Gryffindor. It is a situation I would like to remedy before the spring term, and as the sole member of the teaching staff originating from that House and most qualified to take on the additional responsibility, I would like to offer you at least an interim position as Gryffindor's Head. You have the skills, discipline and knowledge to be a great asset, both to that House and to the school.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will also be sending a similar query to Auror Way, as he has more time available and is in a strong position of leadership. You do not have to respond immediately, but I would appreciate a decision by the first of January.

Headmaster Schechter

[Owl to Auror Way]

Auror Way,

I am in the process of selecting a Head of House for Gryffindor. Normally that position would go to a member of the teaching staff, but you are in a unique position of leadership and experience that I feel would benefit the students and set an example for the entire school.

I am also extending an offer to Professor Way, as he has had more experience working one-on-one with the students and is more familiar to them as an authority figure. I believe both of you would make a fine Head of House, and would welcome either of you to the position. Please let me know of your decision by the first of January so that we can make any necessary arrangements before the spring term.

Headmaster Schechter

Jun. 12th, 2010


[Owl to Professor Ross]

Professor Ross,

While you are a learned and valuable member of the staff, it is my belief that both you and your students might benefit greatly from having additional help. To this end, I have selected an intelligent, capable student to serve as your teaching assistant during the spring term. Miss Berg will attend your classes as often as her academic schedule allows, and is at your disposal outside of her own NEWT courses so long as it does not interfere with either her personal life or education. I am certain you and she can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement to the benefit of all.

If you have any questions or concerns about this appointment, please feel free to speak with me and I shall be certain to address the matter.

Headmaster Schechter