ashes__mod ([info]ashes__mod) wrote in [info]from_the_ashes,
@ 2009-12-12 23:10:00

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Entry tags:char: adam, char: gerard, char: maja, char: mikey, char: nate, char: pete, char: ryland, char: spencer, char: william

Who: Everyone
When: Saturday night, Hallowe’en
Where: The armoury

To all staff,

After curfew and following the Hallowe’en Feast, you are cordially invited to attend a holiday gathering in the armoury. Costumes are not optional, so if you find yourself somehow accidentally lacking one upon arrival, there will be plenty available you can borrow from the suits of armour, as they will be dressed for the occasion. Drinks, desserts, and every possible permutation of pumpkin dish will be served, and there will be a festive soundtrack of popular dance music from both wizarding and Muggle cultures to enjoy. Masquerade glamours are permitted in the spirit of the holiday, but please try not to unnecessarily alarm your colleagues. Castle ghosts are also invited to attend the festivities.

Headmaster Schechter

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2009-12-17 11:28 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," Spencer said solemnly. "I'm so glad you like the levels. I put a lot of thought into them." Spencer wondered if friends were allowed to tug each other closer and keep a casual arm around the other, but sighed and decided not to test it. Probably his arm would just slip off Mikey's decidedly round costume, anyway.

"Zorro's from Muggle books and comics and things," Spencer explained. "He's a kind of everyday hero sort of thing, but he wears a lot of black and a mask, so I thought Adam might be going that way. But I think Zorro has a hat. Tall, dark and handsome makes more sense." Or lazy, but Spencer wasn't really one to talk. If it hadn't been for Gerard, he would probably have just shown up in a nice coat.

He tilted his head to the side and said, "And you're a -- those birds, right? That they made the Snitch out of?" He grinned. "Did you make it yourself?" He wondered vaguely what one could transform a round bird costume out of. Mikey was pretty amazing at Transfiguration, so Spencer guessed he didn't need something special, but he entertained vague ideas of the costume originally being a ping pong ball or something anyway.

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2009-12-18 12:10 am UTC (link)
Mikey was just about to comment that he was maybe not quite as tall as Adam, but definitely dark-haired and maybe slightly handsome, when a force came barrelling into him from the side, knocking him to the floor [...]

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2009-12-30 04:08 pm UTC (link)
"It's a very unattractive hat," Adam said, wrinkling up his nose, then reaching up to adjust his mask. "Sort of... not at all dashing or debonair or anything one wants out of a hat. Ugly hat." Adam wasn't sure anything that was coming out of his mouth made sense anymore, but he definitely jumped back, startled, almost overcorrecting and grabbing hold of Spencer's arm to keep from falling over when Mikey was tackled to the floor.

"Danger!" he said, perhaps a bit too loudly. Then he let go of Spencer's arm, and carefully smoothed out Spencer's shirt. "Sorry," he said, not sounding at all apologetic.

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