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[02 Oct 2002|01:28am]

I figured I'd do this while I wait for adds and stuff, because this girl currently has zero connections in the game. Hopefully she'll be getting in!

This here is Cassilda Avery, also known as Cassie-- call her Cassilda and you'll receive a glare or a kick to the nuts. She's lived in Boulder all her life; she's 18 and just graduated from September High School and has since lived in Boulder Creek Apartments by herself, where her filthy rich divorced parents support her financially. She currently has zero plans for college because she has no idea what she wants to do in her life. Cassie's the type of person who talks to just about anyone, even a stranger, about absolutely anything; if she's seating next to a stranger who's singing a song from a band she hates, she'll tell them straight up that they have bad taste in music. She's also a Pearl Mall Street frequenter, a spontaneous party girl with a short temper, and a soccer and volleyball player. Anyway, she needs lines of every kind-- friends, neighbors, people she's met at parties, people she's played sports with, people she's randomly talked to, enemies, the like!
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[12 Jun 2011|07:17pm]

hey everyone. this is addison chase. hopefully he'll be getting in tonight. i'm looking for another roommate or two for him and [info]zodiacsign. i'm looking for a couple exes (boys and girls) and more people to be regulars at the rock gym where he works. they also teach yoga and have a real gym in there too. he moved to boulder the summer before his senior year of high school. he's 24 and graduated from the university of colorado at boulder two years ago with a ba in anthropology. can i fill any lines for anyone?
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[12 Jun 2011|01:33pm]

i figured i would go ahead and post one of these since i'm failing at thinking of a sn for her right now. so, this is abigail stein, better known as abi. she's 26 and the older sister of [info]galifreyan. abi is a boulder native and has lived there all her life, minus a brief stint of backpacking through europe after she dropped out of college. right now she co-owns perfect petal with [info]frozendaquiri and i'd like her to have another side, very part-time job. so, if you need an employee, she's your girl. i've got info up in her journal, but basically abi is a sarcastic, strong, independent girl. she's lots of fun, a tomboy at heart a bit quirky. i'd love some more lines for her. she could use friends, some roommates, exes, current flings, anything really would be great!
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[12 Jun 2011|06:00pm]

okay, i figured i should do one of these considering this guy has no connections at all in the game at present and he needs some friends. he's jack fitzgerald, 25 and a sous chef at a bistro in downtown boulder. he's originally from boston but moved out to work in colorado last summer. because of the long hours involved in his work, he hasn't had much opportunity to explore what the city has to offer yet, so he's still the new kid in town in that sense. half-italian, he's the quiet, brooding type who doesn't say a lot but thinks about everything. he's thoughtful and smart but has a fiery temper, too. i'm looking to fill spaces for friends, work colleagues, people he has met in clubs at the weekend or even some people from his apartment block. but i'm also looking for the one steady girlfriend he's had since coming to boulder. they were together for a few months but he stupidly cheated on her with someone he met through work. more details in his bio if needed. i don't know what else to say except that i'm excited!
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[11 Jun 2011|07:21pm]

Hey! So I have to start this off by saying this guy has no idea why he re-located to Boulder, Colorado. He's 20, from Key West but has lived in New York and L.A. the most. He's a musician, a personal assistant (if anyone needs one of those, he's your man - albeit, totally forgetful and prone to calling at 4 am for advice) and a general pain in the ass. He sort of used to be this really geeky, soft spoken, sensitive, nervous and introverted artsy type but somewhere along the lines of adulthood, he curdled into someone more abrasive, extroverted and pushy. As a survival mechanism, perhaps? He enjoys watching movies on netflix instant, cutting corners, inserting himself into people’s lives against their will, playing music, listening to music, and generally pushing people’s buttons to gauge their reactions/and for his own amusement. Adam is an equal opportunist and was once a serial monogamist who now just wants to experience single life and shed as much responsibility (and keep things as light) as possible to push his music career into fruition. I'm looking for roommates, fellow musicians and some drinking buddies. Initially, I like to keep it organic because I never know how this character takes to certain people but springboards and random threads are great and loved!
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[11 Jun 2011|12:25pm]

so this is tate mercer he is a 21 year old geography major at the university of colorado, boulder division where he also plays collegiate soccer and loves it. hes pretty good if you ask him about it. hes in the middle of 5 sisters, so he knows how to treat a lady. but, hes a bit of an oddball, he likes science fiction, dirt, being outside, bugs and all of that fun stuff. he's a nice guy, but a bit of a sarcastic streak when hes tired and/or getting a bit mad. he jokes around all the time, is never serious about anything. he works at a bakery with ~keds and a couple others and is currently living with ~funnelcake and ~baseballfury. and yeah, so hi.
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[11 Jun 2011|02:08pm]

doing this real quick before i start getting ready for work~

this is emily dunn, 24yo aussie native. she basically grew up on the back of a horse and has been in the australian rodeo circuit for as long as she could do it. at 18 she moved her and her horse (whose name is 'paint my ride') to the states to join the circuit there in dallas and has been there ever since. well ever since up until last summer when she injured herself before a rodeo. she set herself up in boulder, got a job at [info]opportunity's brewery/baker through some connections and still rides as much as possible. after she recovered she could have gone back to the circuit but decided that maybe it was time she just retire from it and so she stayed in boulder.

she's a pretty blunt and brash person. she's your typical tomboy who just dgaf. she'll tell you if you smell and if she doesn't like you. she's loyal, dedicated and horse crazy. isn't too keen on relationships but has been tossing the idea around of trying one. be warned though, she probably won't be faithful. just a heads up. i could use just about everything for her: friends, people who don't like her, past, present and future flings. everything.
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[11 Jun 2011|09:52am]

the past few days have been a little hectic so i figured i'd do one of these before i intro her in the hopes of getting more lines! this is valerie faye, she's 22 going on 23 and she's originally from wyoming but moved to boulder for school. she's always been an adventurist at heart, craves the outdoors and adrenaline rushes and isn't the type of person who likes to sit inside or still for very long. she dropped out of college her junior year because she decided she wanted to work to live, not live to work. she snowboards and was a tomboy for the majority of her life so she's always felt like one of the guys. not too shy to burp in front of them, be obnoxious, etc but because of that, she's really weird with men and relationships because she's more comfortable being the friend. job wise, she works at a bar in the evenings and does something mundane during the day so if anyone needs a coworker, let me know! she's best friends with [info]grinding and [info]galifreyan is her cousin so aside from that, she needs lines of all kinds!
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[11 Jun 2011|01:14am]

might as well do one of these! this here is ryan strickland, she's twenty-six and a boulder native. she's currently a teacher at boulder high school and doubles as a bartender at the catacombs by night. growing up, ryan was a heavy child and she was never allowed to forget it. her older brother called her pig, which somehow filtered throughout the school. she was teased mercilessly for years. she was a strong girl and she tried to never let things like that bother her, but it did. being teased in high school has given ryan a thick skin. she has learned to take everything with a grain of salt. she rarely takes herself or anyone around her seriously, which tends to be a bad habit sometimes. she's the biggest goofball you'll ever meet and is constantly spilling out sarcastic and snarky comments. anyone who knows her at all knows that she's not someone you would put stock into what she says. she has a huge sense of humor and loves all things comedy. being an english teacher, she loves books and such. a kid at heart, shel silverstein is one of her all time favorite writers. she also has an intense love of music and loves when her bar has open mic nights every thursday. i'd love to get her a couple exes, fellow teachers, bar/open mic night regulars, a roommate. i'd love to fill lines as well, so throw it all at me!
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[10 Jun 2011|09:13pm]

i should finally put one of these up since i'm not doing anything right now. this here is alexis rushman but goes by alexis avery. avery is her middle name. she's twenty four years old and has lived in boulder all her life. currently works at the comic book store, the batcave, also does bartending on the side and is known to give free rounds to her regulars. i have her bio open so if you want to go read through some of it. pretty much, alexis is the girl next door, someone you'd want to be friends with. she's easy going, a sweetheart and down to earth. i'm going to just throw her out there. i want lines with all of you! :)
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[10 Jun 2011|07:38pm]

Hi-looo. So I'm bringing in this here young lady. She's 28 and runs her own comic book shop (The Batcave). She's pretty feisty and sarcastic but also has a fairly playful nature. Riley is really easy going and doesn't get wrapped up in drama/little things so, she is a very ~chill~ friend to have. She's originally from Bozeman, Montana but migrated on over to Boulder at the tender age of nineteen. She tried her hand at college, failed miserably and held down many odd jobs until she had enough money to open up her own little slice of heaven. I'm currently looking for a younger bro for this girl, and more friends connections would be lovely. Also, people who come to her store, maybe someone she knew from her brief stint in college, etc.
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[10 Jun 2011|09:38pm]
meet Luka Moretti, 25 years old and originally from The Bronx, NYC. He moved to Boulder a year or two ago... and that is all I got on him! oh yeah and he is bi-sexual as well.

I wanted to throw him out there, see if anyone needed any lines filled before I decided more on him. someone need some specific friend? ex? co-worker etc?
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[10 Jun 2011|04:16pm]

okay so I thought I should probably do one of these. this is danny, he's 22 and originally from westport, ct. he went to boarding school in massachussetts and then moved west to study history and econ at cu boulder. he just graduated and is working for the da as an unpaid intern hating his life while he studies for his lsats and applies to law school. personality wise danny is outgoing, preppy, and friendly, an eddie haskell type who despite being extremely charming to and around adults is always managing to get himself into shitty situations with his friends. he works really hard, was the president of his frat, played soccer throughout school, has been known to be pretentious and arrogant. he's been dating [info]keds for the better part of the last 4 years save for a 6 month break last year during whih time he was hooking up with [info]milksteak. they are still friends and the whole thing is chill. he loves [info]mouth, sometimes [info]phwoar, he enjoys messing with [info]funnelcake, is/was frat bros with [info]grinding and [info]roadrovers, is weary but friendly with [info]greenranger, friends with [info]diced, drools over [info]frozendaquiri and I think that's it. I def need more dude friends for him, a tucker maxx to his golden boy for sure. some other cu classmates would be cool, co workers at the law firm, this is short and sweet bc I am on my phone but seriously anything goes.
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[10 Jun 2011|02:33am]

Hi there! Grey here is all apped. Her Pb is Hilary Duff. She's 22, going on 23 and has been in Boulder for about two years now. She's working on her first novel and the deadline is soon approaching. She drives a re VW Bug. She's from Tennesse! Big sports fan, but rarely wears orange. She left there in search of herself, to escape from the life her parents wanted for her, and to run from a boy she loved but couldn't have. She's fun, sweet, and sarcastic, but she is pretty blank.

Soo...calling any and all lines! She needs anything and everything :) especially friends, roomate(s), people that convinced her to stay in Colorado? Exes, enemies, the works. Her bio is open for anyone curious :)
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[09 Jun 2011|11:11pm]

i have a small amount of random crap up for a potential matt smith pb in this journal. check it out. tell me if you want anything or need anything filled.
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zzZzzZz [09 Jun 2011|08:07pm]

hello my sweets. i'm going to read/comment your posts momentarily, but for now this is ingrid. she's 22, goes to cu with a psychology major, works at a daycare, and enjoys ghost hunting in her off time. she's best friends and roomies with [info]galifreyan and [info]hotchocolates. she's kind of spontaneous and crazy, lacks a mental filter, and doesn't really understand the concept of flirting. she enjoys pretty much every nerdy thing you can think of! this includes but is not limited to: video games, harry potter, the x-files, bsg, blablabla. ing is a mental toddler half of the time, but she's also deep like the ocean and might surprise you by being weirdly insightful, helpful, and analytical. i'd love to get an ex or two of either gender, more friends from school, and everything else with everyone else. especially rihanna and ariana grande for sibling lines...this is a joke, but i do need three believable siblings.
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[09 Jun 2011|06:42pm]

I have her all app'd and ready to go but thanks to my extremely off sleep schedule all my ~pbads posts have been lost in the shuffle. But I'm bringing this girl in and she's a twenty-year old film studies major who spends way too much time behind the camera. She's literally counting down the days until she's twenty-one and the days until she's out of school because she's got one more year to go. She isn't a Boulder native but she is from Colorado and has grand ambitions of leaving to move to LA after school. But that probably isn't going to happen since she hasn't been out of the state - ever. She's works at the comic book store that [info]wafflecone owns and has a best friend in [info]funnelcake. She could use more friends with snack-like usernames or just more friends in general! She's a little loud and at times can be wildly inappropriate so someone to reign her in would be awesome. Someone to listen to her ramble on about films would be cool as well. Also a roommate! She cannot afford rent on her own. I think that's it but if you have any thoughts hit up this post!
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[09 Jun 2011|05:05pm]

I am currently working on tossing some loose ends up and finally will have him applied for adds tonight but I want to get some more lines! This is Brandon Scott, he is the 26 year old big brother of [info]autocorrect. Brandon is a very confused young man. He grew up his whole life thinking that he was going to be a lawyer so he studied his ass off all through high school, college and even law school..two days after graduating law school he decided he really didn't want to be a lawyer after all. So he moved back home and is now living with [info]hoodlove trying to figure out what he is going to do with his life. He is currently working at gamestop with [info]exercise while playing in a band with [info]zodiacsign. He is trying to let go of his serious ways and start drinking but that's just a much easier said than done thing. It's not that he NEVER drank before, but that he never wanted to become a typical party boy..but now at 26 he is starting to live like he's 21 and alcohol has become his new best friend! He's really goofy and really genuine, he likes to be the friend people come to when they need advice or a shoulder to cry on, he needs to be a solid thing for the people around him, he needs them to count on him. If you need advice he is your man!

As for other lines he dated [info]secondglance for six years and when the two decided to go to college in other states all of their friends insisted they couldn't make the long distance thing work..so to prove them wrong they got married. The marriage lasted two years and they eventually broke up, mutually and still remain extremely close to this day. she is his number one best friend and his world. They tell everyone that the marriage is over, but they never actually got a divorce, they were too lazy and it was too much paperwork. He dated [info]mouth in college for a brief time, she is still a close friend as well, he is very close with [info]8x10 (he used to cut her grandmothers lawn)..and I think that's it, I know there's a few people I need to work out details with so come on in everyone! there are so many of you and I want a line with all of you!
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[09 Jun 2011|03:37pm]

Hi friends. I think I've gotten around to most of the people that have been added with this set, but I know that a few have slipped through the cracks. I want lines with everyone though, so if we haven't yet spoken or I popped up to say I wanted a line and then vanished into the darkness we have this post to fix all of that. This will thankfully not drown in the ocean that is ~pbads. Enough of my mindless jabber though, this is about Frankie after all. Frankie is the 22 year old sister to ~phwoar and the self-declared sister to her cousin ~keds. She has best friends in both ~toshiba and ~luxojr who thankfully put up with her love of trashy reality television and her always moving motor mouth. Currently she is casually dating ~quidditch and though it is casual it's her first serious attempt at anything since her break-up with former fiance ~heyteach, who she still lives with. Frankie is insane, as I have warned in several posts in ~pbads. She's a good kind of crazy, not a fatal attraction kind of crazy. Frankie likes to have fun above all and you will almost always cracking a joke of some sort. She's been dubbed a gypsy by her brother since she switches jobs almost bi-weekly determined to find something she actually enjoys doing. Currently she's set up an ACT class that's slated to run for two months starting after the 4th of July and is uncomfortable with the fact that she's stuck with it for at least that long. I could use an ex from high school for her, maybe one of the bullies that actually got to her in high school, summer flings between her college years (she was away at Brown for college), former coworkers (maybe even a bitter one that was stuck with her workload after her out of blue decision to quit), more friends, and open to ideas if you have any too!
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marissaweasley [09 Jun 2011|07:42am]

this here is marissa. she's 23 years old and currently works as a starbucks barista as well as a singer in a wedding band. she is a pescatarian which is a fancy way of saying the only meat she will eat is fish. she has a writing degree that she is still considering on if she's going to make use of it or if she is going to try and pursue music full time. she's an asshole who thinks her sarcasm is witty and funny, but often it just comes off as way too harsh. the only times it really softens up is behind closed doors when she knows everybody around her and trusts the situation. at one point she had a relationship with ~galifreyan, but it ended a rather large blow out over something petty. they attempt to be civil now, but marissa often blows that chance out of the water at some point. now she has moved on to getting it on with the ladies. ~mouth is the main girl she tries to go after, but she isn't too picky about it. there's also some sort of frustration brewing with ~quidditch, but it is unclear if anything may ever really come of that.

anything else you can offer is fine by me. her bio is up in the journal.
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