April 2024



Posts Tagged: 'peter+dursley+%28masterchefd%29'

Mar. 1st, 2021



Did I tell you I am going to be a father? Grace is pregnant, mate. I'm happy but also a little thrown off. Am I ready for this? Plus you know we're engaged, too, so we're looking for a home together, too. I think we might end up in Storybook near her family, though.

Dec. 17th, 2020



text messages; Peter Dursley
» Hey..
» Sorry we haven't seen each other in a while.
» You busy tonight?



AHHHHHH! This is the coolest thing ever!!!!

Ok, so, not having my fam here? Not so cool. But a real multiverse!!! And all these cool people and places are real here!

So, the Welcome Center (which is SUPER cool, btw) explained to me about the network and how the phone they give us kinda uses it as a form of social media, and I'm totally here for it.

I'm Brianna. I'm 19, a freshman in college (well, I mean, not anymore I guess?), and I'm kinda obsessed with video games and comic books.

I see there are some real-life Final Fantasy characters here... I apologize in advance for the absolute idiot I'm probably going to make of myself when I meet you.

Oct. 6th, 2020



May I take you out on another date sometime soon?

[James II]
Hey cousin. I am staying with you and never see you. How's it going?

Sep. 7th, 2020



It's not home but this place is amazing.

Aug. 31st, 2020



Well, now, this is odd. One moment I am in the kitchen at the pastry shop working on a cake for an upcoming event, and the next thing I know, here I am. Fortunately, I am used to strange magic things with my paternal family being who they are.

On that note, James Potter?