April 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Eleslie+knope'

Jul. 10th, 2018



Mmm, there's nothing quite like the smell or feel of a new binder. The tabs! I can't believe that I was able to find some really awesome ones here! Usually I have to order them from a shady Chinese website, but these! They're extra sturdy!

And what, pray tell, Leslie do you need all the binders and tabs for?

Well, I'll tell you all. I am planning a major event to raise money for a brand new park! Here is a rough draft of what I'm thinking it could look like, but with more trees in the middle and some tables. Anyway it's not anywhere near done.

Park )

What I need now, however, are volunteers to help with the fundraiser. All you need is a desire to follow my orders and... well, that's it really. I've got everything planned out and unfortunately I am but one woman and I can't be in multiple places at once. Unless this place has cloning? I wonder if cloning myself is an option...

Jul. 2nd, 2018


I still haven't seen my mom since arriving here.

Ann? Ann Perkins, are you hiding?

May. 10th, 2018



Well this sucks.

May. 9th, 2018



Hi everyone! My name is Leslie Knope and I'm a fairly new transfer into this world. Now you may ask, "Leslie, how long ago did you arrive?" And I'd say, "Why thank you for asking. I arrived a three weeks ago." And then I'm pretty sure you'd say, "But Leslie that doesn't make you new at all!" And that's when I'd have to stop you and say that new is relative and I'm still settling in and being in a new universe is hard and I'm going to need some time, okay?


So, I'm Leslie Knope. I was the Deputy Director of the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indiana. Pawnee's the best city in the universe... universes? Universe? Anyway, it's the best ever, and I really want to make this place just as awesome as Pawnee! Of course, I'm going to need to get a job in government, first. Or create a task force. An action task force...

Oh right! So in my time settling in I created a binder for myself, and for new arrivals that may need it. I'm willing to make copies of it.

[picture of the cover of a large binder that reads "NUWG: New Universe Welcome Guide". It is already filled fully with papers and color-coded tabs.]

[second picture of the binder opened to the first page that reads "DON'T PANIC!" in bold]

I like to read the binder when the idea of being in a new universe gets to be a little overwhelming.

Apr. 24th, 2018



Okay, I know I was trying to avoid Chris, but this is ridicu

So. I'm in another dimension. This is fine. I'm fine. Oh god, I'm going to vomit.

Hello, everyone. I'm a new arrival. My name is Ann Perkins.

I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to say. Everyone else seems to have a lot of quippy remarks, but those are definitely not my strong suit. So I think I'll just stick with hello.