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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Free For All's InsaneJournal:

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    Sunday, August 5th, 2012
    12:55 pm
    Texts from Last Night (2)
    Texts from last night!

    Rules are simple.

    1) Post either with a blank comment or a random text from ( ) here.

    OR make up one of your own.

    2) Respond to others.

    3) Shenanigans!

    4) Hang overs!

    5) Fun!
    Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
    9:46 pm
    Mindscape Meme
    Stolen from [info]bakerstreet on DW.

    ☄ The Mindscape Meme ☄

    If you've played Psychonauts, you have some idea of what's going on with this meme. (It doesn't have to play out much like Psychonauts if you don't want it to, though.) Your character has something going on in their inner mental world that needs to be confronted by psychic voyagers, and that's what's going to happen here. It's nothing but metaphor and symbolism from here on out, and you can be as dark or as silly as you want about it.

    »» how to play
    1. Post a comment (with your character's name ) with a quick summary of what your character's mental world is like. It doesn't have to be long. "A colorful amusement park with inexplicably Arctic-themed rides" could work for a childish hedonist hiding the emotional scars of a terrible polar-bear-related incident, for example. Give it a snappy name if you feel like it. If you have some imagery or music that fits the atmosphere, you can even link that.
    2. If you have any preferences you want to stick with, be sure to make a note of them in your initial comment.
    3. Respond to other people's threads with a character to explore their mindscapes. Pick or roll the RNG for an option for what part your character winds up in--or suggest another one if you've got a wildcard idea.
    4. First player, your character is the host. Second player, your character is the visitor.
    5. The first player writes tags about the mental world that's being explored, explaining how it reacts and adapts to the visitor's presence there. You can do more than set the mood and describe how the environment changes, though: people can crop up inside the mindscape representing various aspects of your character's personality, and the visitor can interact with them. Or if you'd rather, you can have your character accompanying the visiting character through the mindscape, trying to help or misdirect them as they please.
    6. The second player tags with their character's attempts to navigate the strange mindscape and solve the inner conflict plaguing the host character--or simply escape back to the material world. Or maybe their motive is less pure, and they're trying to uncover a secret that the first character is hiding deep within. You get to decide why they're there, really.
    7. There isn't any right or wrong way to do this meme, so take as much or as little as you want from the options given.
    8. Do your best to communicate OOCly with other players if you run into any trouble or confusion, provide warnings if it becomes necessary, and don't be afraid to tag around!

    »» prompts for the mental voyagers
    1. AT THE GATES. You're about to jump off from the outermost layers of your host's personality and start getting into the stuff that really makes them tick. Can you find the key to the lock, or the hidden door, or whatever wacky trick will lead you there? Of course, the more this character tends to hide their true self, the more their inner world will try to convince you there's nothing lurking behind this facade.
    2. YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO FIND THIS. You've stumbled into a hidden place where the host keeps a secret that they never wanted anyone else to know. What is it and how does it manifest in the mindscape? Are they going to attack you somehow for revealing it?
    3. NIGHTMARE TIME. Oops, you've gone the wrong way, and now you're squaring off against the host's worst fears embodied within their head. What do they look like and what do they represent? Can they be defeated in combat or do you have to take a more delicate approach? Maybe they don't appear as obvious enemies at all, and they pose a more subtle danger.
    4. FREE ADMISSION FOR CHILDREN. Hey, look, it's where your host keeps their most important childhood memories...good and bad. Be careful: they might not be all that accurate or trustworthy. Kids don't have the most objective perceptions of their lives.
    5. THE BEST PART OF ME. You've finally found the host's greatest ideals and noblest inspirations--the things that drive them to do good and be a better person. Or maybe what you're dealing with here is the actual personification of their own greatest virtues. Perhaps they're under siege for some reason and need some help getting their strength back, or maybe they have something to teach you. On the other hand, in some characters, this part of the mindscape could be in pretty bad shape.
    6. COME TO THE DARK SIDE. This isn't good. You've reached a part of the mindscape that represents or is controlled by the shadow--all the bad things about your host that they don't want to admit. Unless they have admitted it, in which case this place is under better control by them...but that doesn't necessarily make it any less dangerous for you. How will you escape, or will you try to help the host come to terms with this part of themselves first? Of course, you could also try to get them to give in to all these dark temptations and embrace them, if that's your preference...
    7. FINAL BOSS. You're facing the embodiment of the core issue that haunts this character. Whatever it is, you have to think of a way to defeat it, whether through violence or other means. Are they too emotionally stable to have such a thing? Then it's the embodiment of their deepest motivation and you have to defeat it to get out of here.
    Friday, June 15th, 2012
    11:53 pm
    Prompt Meme Take 2
    Post a comment with your character if you want them to participate.
    Ping someone else's character with a random situation by going to RNG. Enter 1 - 6 to choose a scene, then 1 - 20 to choose a prompt
    Play out the scene between the two characters. Either in private journal or in game.
    But, play nicely. If someone doesn't want to play something out, please respect that.

    ① Action → Gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
    ② Angst → Characters suffer emotionally or physically from relationships breaking up, death, injury, etc. Hurt and comfort themes are included.
    ③ Crack → Genderswaps, super powers, sudden compulsions are all possible outcomes.
    ④ Fluff → Something that is devoid of angst. It's light-hearted and might have the overtone of romance.
    ⑤ Sex → First times, kinks, even dubcon are all possible themes of sex related scenarios.
    ⑥ Your choice → Think of your own scenario, choose one of the above or make a combo even!

    ① Zombies → It's the zombie apocalypse, lock and load!
    ② Bar brawl → You had one too many drinks, said something wrong, and now you're being asked to take it outside.
    ③ Chase → You're caught in a high speed chase.
    ④ Gun fight → You're caught in a big shoot-out.
    ⑤ Fight with a friend → You're fighting with a friend, all out.
    ⑥ Interrogation → You're being interrogated for some offense you've done.
    ⑦ Aliens → Aliens are attacking and you're not going to take your probe laying down!
    ⑧ Final battle → This is it. The battle that will end all the fighting for you. Will you win? Will you get that peace you want?
    ⑨ Training → You're not actually fighting, just training for the inevitable.
    ⑩ No hope → You know this fight has no hope. It's not going to end well for anyone involved, but you can't turn away.
    ⑪ Sneaking in → You're stealing a diamond or sneaking in to kick some bad guy butt, but whatever it is, you have to practice stealth.
    ⑫ Blue wire → You're faced with a bomb that needs to be disarmed.
    ⑬ Fight for honour → You've been disgraced or someone you care about has, so it's time to fight for honour.
    ⑭ Showdown → Time for a cowboy-style showdown. Whoever draws the fastest wins.
    ⑮ War → You're caught in the middle of a war here. Remember to keep your chin up and keeping fighting.
    ⑯ Apocalypse → The apocalypse finally happened and now you're left to scavenge and fight for whatever is left.
    ⑰ Sabotage → It's time to sabotage someone's plan! How is entirely up to you. Do you set up a bomb in their toilet? Do you double cross them at the last minute?
    ⑱ Big damn hero → You know you have to handle this one alone, so that means disarming or knocking unconscious the person who wants to join you.
    ⑲ Fight club → You know the rules... you're in an underground fighting ring and you're fighting with all you've got.
    ⑳ Threaten → You've just been sent here to rough them up a little, threaten them into behaving.

    ① Injury / illness → Your character has become injured or ill! To what extent is the mun's choice.
    ② Last moments → You character has been gravely injured and this is their last chance to say their last words.
    ③ Depression → Your character is depressed, what actions they take is up to the mun.
    ④ Betrayed → You character has been betrayed by the other. How do they react?
    ⑤ Tortured → Your character is being tortured and needs rescuing or at least a sympathetic ear to help him through it.
    ⑥ Jealousy → Your character is feeling jealous and must deal with it, how will they do it?
    ⑦ Breakup! → This relationship has gone as far as it can, it's time to breakup.
    ⑧ Broken → For whatever reason, the character is broken, mentally or or physically.
    ⑨ Fight → You can't even be in the same room as your friend or lover without arguing anymore.
    ⑩ Lost → You lost the biggest fight of your life and now all you can do is try to pick up the pieces.
    ⑪ Worst nightmare → Whatever you fear the most is now real or maybe you're just trapped in a dream together, but whatever it is, it feels too real.
    ⑫ Addicted → You're addicted to something, alcohol, drugs, sex, whatever. It's destroying your life and you can't do anything to stop it.
    ⑬ Hurt you → You're being forced to hurt someone you love either by betraying them or even being forced to shout things you don't mean. It's for their own good in the end though.
    ⑭ Separation → You were forced to leave this person for their own safety and while you've been miserable without them, you really didn't mean to run into them again... maybe it was by accident or you were watching them from afar this whole time.
    ⑮ Becoming a monster → You are slowly changing, becoming a monster: vampire, zombie, demon, something you can't recover from and no-one can help you.
    ⑯ Frozen → You are entirely helpless, frozen, to stop some kind of disaster.
    ⑰ Prison → You were very bad and now it's time to pay the price by turning yourself in or maybe the law just finally caught up to you.
    ⑱ Fear → You're not sure why, but you are suddenly terrified and you can't deal with it. You need help.
    ⑲ Hated → You are now hated by the person you loved the most.
    ⑳ Down and out → You're living on the streets, you've hit rock bottom, and you don't know what to do.

    ① Sexswap → Uh-oh, you're suddenly the opposite sex!
    ② Forced confessions → No matter what it is and no matter how hard you resist, you're going to be compelled to spill some deep dark secret!
    ③ Mind-reading → You've suddenly got the ability to read minds!
    ④ Animal → You're suddenly part animal or transformed into an animal!
    ⑤ Awkward pick-up lines → You're compelled to use bad pickup lines on whoever is closest!
    ⑥ Back in School / Graduated → You're suddenly back in school! Or if you were already in it, you've aged and long since graduated!
    ⑦ Vampires, werewolves, and zombies, oh my! → You're suddenly a vampire, werewolf, or zombie! Maybe even a demon or a devil, whatever creepy crawly you can think of. What do you do now?
    ⑧ Ghost → You're suddenly a ghost or at least invisible. What are you going to do with this new ability?
    ⑨ Awkward conversations → So did you just fart or what? Any conversation goes, as long as it's embarrassing and awkward.
    ⑩ Crossdressing → For whatever reason, you're suddenly dressed in clothes of the opposite sex.
    ⑪ Suddenly naked → Oops! Your clothes are suddenly gone.
    ⑫ Suddenly a kid → You're a kid again! Have fun with that second childhood.
    ⑬ Fortune cookie → You've suddenly received a note with something that will happen in the future, either precise or vague.
    ⑭ Super power → And suddenly you're like Superman! Any power goes.
    ⑮ Bodyswap → Somehow you've changed bodies with the other person.
    ⑯ Back in time → Somehow, you wound up in the past again. Do you try to correct something or just sit and wait for time to jump? Maybe it jumps to various points in your life or maybe you actually think you're back in the day. Have fun, run wild with the idea!
    ⑰ To the future → Is it everything you've dreamed? Is it horrible? Whatever happens, you're here to witness what happens to you in the future. Either you take the place of your future self or you're just there to watch. Might cause some confusion if people start seeing double though...
    ⑱ Angels, mermaids, and fairies! → You're not necessary something dark or evil. You're just something different. How do you deal?
    ⑲ Locked in a closet → For some reason, you're locked up in a closet with someone else. Do you make nice and try to figure your way out or what?
    ⑳ Finger trap → You're caught in a Chinese finger trap... with somebody else! You can't figure out how to get loose either... have fun with that.

    ① Cuddling → For whatever reason, characters feel like being close and cuddling.
    ② Pillow talk → After the main event, characters are up for some pillow talk.
    ③ Celebration → Anniversary or some other big event is taking place and characters want to celebrate!
    ④ Love confession → Someone has finally decided to confess their love and today is the day!
    ⑤ Appreciation → You feel the need to show appreciation for that person closest to you, even if it's just a pat on the back.
    ⑥ Apologies → You made a mistake and now it's time to make it up in some way you know the other can't refuse!
    ⑦ Get back together → Why did you break up again exactly? Whatever the reason, it was a huge mistake and you both know you can work through it.
    ⑧ Date night → You've planned for a wonderful night together and you can't wait to get it started.
    ⑨ Family → You've either found out you're pregnant or you've already got that addition to your family.
    ⑩ Marriage → You're just about to get hitched or maybe you're enjoying your honeymoon. Maybe you've been together for years now! Whatever the case, it's time for that next big step.
    ⑪ Meeting again → It's time for that happy reunion finally!
    ⑫ Love at first sight → For whatever reason, you are now insanely in love with the first person you set eyes on.
    ⑬ Flirtation → You can't resist to do a little bit of harmless flirtation all of a sudden.
    ⑭ In the snow → Look outside! It's a winter wonderland, so why not go out and play in it?
    ⑮ Engagement → You've planned it all out and now it's time to finally pop the question.
    ⑯ Friendly games → You've set up the game station or board games for a friendly competition!
    ⑰ Gift → Time to give that special someone a gift just because.
    ⑱ Recovery → You're taking care of someone who's just recovered from some illness or injury.
    ⑲ Healing → Time to help mend that someone who's been through hell and back.
    ⑳ Better than ever → You've finally got everything you've ever wanted here. What is your ideal life and who does it include?

    ① First time → it's your first time together or your first time ever! Enjoy the awkward times!
    ② Bondage → You and your partner decide to experiment a little with ropes or handcuffs or whatever you'd like to tie your partner up with.
    ③ Rough / Aggressive → Your characters want it rough.
    ④ Romantic → Slow and gentle, meaningful, that's how characters want it.
    ⑤ Dubcon → Character A wants Character B and it doesn't really matter if Character B wants it as bad or not.
    ⑥ In public → Characters feel like taking a risk and doing it in a public place.
    ⑦ Roleplay → Naughty nurse fetish? Pirate kink? You and your partner decide to try it out now!
    ⑧ Healing → You've both fought hard or gone through a rough time and it's time to get some R&R in.
    ⑨ Last time → This is the last time you're going to this because you're breaking up or maybe your lover is running off to sacrifice their lives in some heroic way. The possibilities are endless, but you better make this one count.
    ⑩ No strings attached → You're just friends with benefits. Nothing wrong with that, right?
    ⑪ Anonymous → You met in a restroom or bar, any location of your choosing, but you don't even know each other's names.
    ⑫ Toys → You're eager to try something new, so why not toys?
    ⑬ Aphrodisiacs → You've been slipped a strong aphrodisiac somehow and now you absolutely cannot control yourself.
    ⑭ Show → You're putting on a show by either doing it right in the club or filming it for a bunch of people.
    ⑮ Ménage à trois → It's time for that threesome you've always dreamed of.
    ⑯ Non-penetrative → Frottage, handjobs, whatever you want to try out.
    ⑰ Controlled → You are under mind control and must do whatever your lover asks of you.
    ⑱ Hatesex → It's not just rough or aggressive, you absolutely cannot stand each other.
    ⑲ Extreme → Fisting, knifeplay, whatever you can think of so long as it tests the boundaries.
    ⑳ Fantasy → This is just a fantasy, a dream, and you know it, but what is your ideal fantasy and how willing is your partner?

    You can post links to scenes in personal journals to this thread.

    Yes this has been done before but it's been several months so I figure it's good.
    Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
    8:13 pm
    Wake Up In Vegas Meme
    Taking a trip always seems like a good idea at first. Buy out a nice hotel room, gamble a little bit in the casino, watch a few dancers and of course, their fantastic drinks. Meeting someone amazing is also pretty high on the list. Both buzzed full of jello shots and cocktails, you both run off together for an adventure, making crazy decisions as you go.

    Waking up with a HUGE hangover, you try to figure out what happened...

    So, who is this person next you? Why is the room trashed?

    And why are you both wearing wedding rings?


    1. Leave a comment with your character(s) and have fun!

    2. Cross-universes are a go!

    3. Try to figure out what happened last night!

    4. Any rekindled wedding nights? Please take it to a private journal.
    Friday, June 8th, 2012
    1:20 pm
    Since Marvel:Avengers Alliance is pretty popular with some people I figured why not.

    What character class are you? Blaster? Scrapper? Tactician? Bruiser? Infiltrator?

    Example Blasters: Iron Man, Human Torch, Ms Marvel, Human Torch, Dr Strange, Storm

    Example Scrappers: Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Daredevil, Sif

    Example Tacticians: Captain America, Hawkeye, Cyclops, Mr. Fantastic, War Machine

    Example Bruisers: Thor, Hulk, She-Hulk, The Thing

    Example Infiltrators: Black Widow, Black Cat, Invisible Woman, Spider-man
    Sunday, June 3rd, 2012
    9:37 pm
    Texts from last night
    Texts from last night!

    Rules are simple.

    1) Post either with a blank comment or a random text from ( ) here.

    OR make up one of your own.

    2) Respond to others.

    3) Shenanigans!

    4) Hang overs!

    5) Fun!
    Saturday, May 26th, 2012
    2:17 am
    Loaded Question
    What's you biggest fear?
    Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
    5:40 pm
    When I Grow Up
    Complete this sentence for your characters when they were kids.

    "When I grow up, I want to--"
    Saturday, April 28th, 2012
    11:13 pm
    If you had a Pokemon which one would it be?

    I'd take a Butterfree.
    Sunday, April 8th, 2012
    8:14 pm
    Bits and Pieces
    Ever have something you really had in your mind for a character, but haven't yet been able to put in-game? Put your one-off lines or references to past events here. See what becomes of them! Or just be amused by others. (:

    Here's one for Petra.

    "The Daddy-Daughter Picnic... good times. Daddy and I didn't win the first prize trophy, but... we have it in our possession."
    Thursday, March 29th, 2012
    12:04 am
    What Hogwarts House would you be in?
    Saturday, March 24th, 2012
    6:56 pm
    Loaded Question
    What color underwear are you wearing right now?
    Thursday, March 8th, 2012
    9:53 pm
    What's the most unusual or fun non-super-hero thing you've done with your powers/skills/gadgets?
    Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
    8:37 pm
    Okay! Meme time!

    List five facts about your character that no (or few) people know!
    Sunday, February 12th, 2012
    3:30 pm
    Random Scenario Meme

    Post a comment with your character if you want them to participate.
    Ping someone else's character with a random situation by going to RNG. Enter 1 - 6 to choose a scene, then 1 - 20 to choose a prompt
    Play out the scene between the two characters. Either in private journal or in game.
    But, play nicely. If someone doesn't want to play something out, please respect that.

    ① Action → Gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
    ② Angst → Characters suffer emotionally or physically from relationships breaking up, death, injury, etc. Hurt and comfort themes are included.
    ③ Crack → Genderswaps, super powers, sudden compulsions are all possible outcomes.
    ④ Fluff → Something that is devoid of angst. It's light-hearted and might have the overtone of romance.
    ⑤ Sex → First times, kinks, even dubcon are all possible themes of sex related scenarios.
    ⑥ Your choice → Think of your own scenario, choose one of the above or make a combo even!

    ① Zombies → It's the zombie apocalypse, lock and load!
    ② Bar brawl → You had one too many drinks, said something wrong, and now you're being asked to take it outside.
    ③ Chase → You're caught in a high speed chase.
    ④ Gun fight → You're caught in a big shoot-out.
    ⑤ Fight with a friend → You're fighting with a friend, all out.
    ⑥ Interrogation → You're being interrogated for some offense you've done.
    ⑦ Aliens → Aliens are attacking and you're not going to take your probe laying down!
    ⑧ Final battle → This is it. The battle that will end all the fighting for you. Will you win? Will you get that peace you want?
    ⑨ Training → You're not actually fighting, just training for the inevitable.
    ⑩ No hope → You know this fight has no hope. It's not going to end well for anyone involved, but you can't turn away.
    ⑪ Sneaking in → You're stealing a diamond or sneaking in to kick some bad guy butt, but whatever it is, you have to practice stealth.
    ⑫ Blue wire → You're faced with a bomb that needs to be disarmed.
    ⑬ Fight for honour → You've been disgraced or someone you care about has, so it's time to fight for honour.
    ⑭ Showdown → Time for a cowboy-style showdown. Whoever draws the fastest wins.
    ⑮ War → You're caught in the middle of a war here. Remember to keep your chin up and keeping fighting.
    ⑯ Apocalypse → The apocalypse finally happened and now you're left to scavenge and fight for whatever is left.
    ⑰ Sabotage → It's time to sabotage someone's plan! How is entirely up to you. Do you set up a bomb in their toilet? Do you double cross them at the last minute?
    ⑱ Big damn hero → You know you have to handle this one alone, so that means disarming or knocking unconscious the person who wants to join you.
    ⑲ Fight club → You know the rules... you're in an underground fighting ring and you're fighting with all you've got.
    ⑳ Threaten → You've just been sent here to rough them up a little, threaten them into behaving.

    ① Injury / illness → Your character has become injured or ill! To what extent is the mun's choice.
    ② Last moments → You character has been gravely injured and this is their last chance to say their last words.
    ③ Depression → Your character is depressed, what actions they take is up to the mun.
    ④ Betrayed → You character has been betrayed by the other. How do they react?
    ⑤ Tortured → Your character is being tortured and needs rescuing or at least a sympathetic ear to help him through it.
    ⑥ Jealousy → Your character is feeling jealous and must deal with it, how will they do it?
    ⑦ Breakup! → This relationship has gone as far as it can, it's time to breakup.
    ⑧ Broken → For whatever reason, the character is broken, mentally or or physically.
    ⑨ Fight → You can't even be in the same room as your friend or lover without arguing anymore.
    ⑩ Lost → You lost the biggest fight of your life and now all you can do is try to pick up the pieces.
    ⑪ Worst nightmare → Whatever you fear the most is now real or maybe you're just trapped in a dream together, but whatever it is, it feels too real.
    ⑫ Addicted → You're addicted to something, alcohol, drugs, sex, whatever. It's destroying your life and you can't do anything to stop it.
    ⑬ Hurt you → You're being forced to hurt someone you love either by betraying them or even being forced to shout things you don't mean. It's for their own good in the end though.
    ⑭ Separation → You were forced to leave this person for their own safety and while you've been miserable without them, you really didn't mean to run into them again... maybe it was by accident or you were watching them from afar this whole time.
    ⑮ Becoming a monster → You are slowly changing, becoming a monster: vampire, zombie, demon, something you can't recover from and no-one can help you.
    ⑯ Frozen → You are entirely helpless, frozen, to stop some kind of disaster.
    ⑰ Prison → You were very bad and now it's time to pay the price by turning yourself in or maybe the law just finally caught up to you.
    ⑱ Fear → You're not sure why, but you are suddenly terrified and you can't deal with it. You need help.
    ⑲ Hated → You are now hated by the person you loved the most.
    ⑳ Down and out → You're living on the streets, you've hit rock bottom, and you don't know what to do.

    ① Sexswap → Uh-oh, you're suddenly the opposite sex!
    ② Forced confessions → No matter what it is and no matter how hard you resist, you're going to be compelled to spill some deep dark secret!
    ③ Mind-reading → You've suddenly got the ability to read minds!
    ④ Animal → You're suddenly part animal or transformed into an animal!
    ⑤ Awkward pick-up lines → You're compelled to use bad pickup lines on whoever is closest!
    ⑥ Back in School / Graduated → You're suddenly back in school! Or if you were already in it, you've aged and long since graduated!
    ⑦ Vampires, werewolves, and zombies, oh my! → You're suddenly a vampire, werewolf, or zombie! Maybe even a demon or a devil, whatever creepy crawly you can think of. What do you do now?
    ⑧ Ghost → You're suddenly a ghost or at least invisible. What are you going to do with this new ability?
    ⑨ Awkward conversations → So did you just fart or what? Any conversation goes, as long as it's embarrassing and awkward.
    ⑩ Crossdressing → For whatever reason, you're suddenly dressed in clothes of the opposite sex.
    ⑪ Suddenly naked → Oops! Your clothes are suddenly gone.
    ⑫ Suddenly a kid → You're a kid again! Have fun with that second childhood.
    ⑬ Fortune cookie → You've suddenly received a note with something that will happen in the future, either precise or vague.
    ⑭ Super power → And suddenly you're like Superman! Any power goes.
    ⑮ Bodyswap → Somehow you've changed bodies with the other person.
    ⑯ Back in time → Somehow, you wound up in the past again. Do you try to correct something or just sit and wait for time to jump? Maybe it jumps to various points in your life or maybe you actually think you're back in the day. Have fun, run wild with the idea!
    ⑰ To the future → Is it everything you've dreamed? Is it horrible? Whatever happens, you're here to witness what happens to you in the future. Either you take the place of your future self or you're just there to watch. Might cause some confusion if people start seeing double though...
    ⑱ Angels, mermaids, and fairies! → You're not necessary something dark or evil. You're just something different. How do you deal?
    ⑲ Locked in a closet → For some reason, you're locked up in a closet with someone else. Do you make nice and try to figure your way out or what?
    ⑳ Finger trap → You're caught in a Chinese finger trap... with somebody else! You can't figure out how to get loose either... have fun with that.

    ① Cuddling → For whatever reason, characters feel like being close and cuddling.
    ② Pillow talk → After the main event, characters are up for some pillow talk.
    ③ Celebration → Anniversary or some other big event is taking place and characters want to celebrate!
    ④ Love confession → Someone has finally decided to confess their love and today is the day!
    ⑤ Appreciation → You feel the need to show appreciation for that person closest to you, even if it's just a pat on the back.
    ⑥ Apologies → You made a mistake and now it's time to make it up in some way you know the other can't refuse!
    ⑦ Get back together → Why did you break up again exactly? Whatever the reason, it was a huge mistake and you both know you can work through it.
    ⑧ Date night → You've planned for a wonderful night together and you can't wait to get it started.
    ⑨ Family → You've either found out you're pregnant or you've already got that addition to your family.
    ⑩ Marriage → You're just about to get hitched or maybe you're enjoying your honeymoon. Maybe you've been together for years now! Whatever the case, it's time for that next big step.
    ⑪ Meeting again → It's time for that happy reunion finally!
    ⑫ Love at first sight → For whatever reason, you are now insanely in love with the first person you set eyes on.
    ⑬ Flirtation → You can't resist to do a little bit of harmless flirtation all of a sudden.
    ⑭ In the snow → Look outside! It's a winter wonderland, so why not go out and play in it?
    ⑮ Engagement → You've planned it all out and now it's time to finally pop the question.
    ⑯ Friendly games → You've set up the game station or board games for a friendly competition!
    ⑰ Gift → Time to give that special someone a gift just because.
    ⑱ Recovery → You're taking care of someone who's just recovered from some illness or injury.
    ⑲ Healing → Time to help mend that someone who's been through hell and back.
    ⑳ Better than ever → You've finally got everything you've ever wanted here. What is your ideal life and who does it include?

    ① First time → it's your first time together or your first time ever! Enjoy the awkward times!
    ② Bondage → You and your partner decide to experiment a little with ropes or handcuffs or whatever you'd like to tie your partner up with.
    ③ Rough / Aggressive → Your characters want it rough.
    ④ Romantic → Slow and gentle, meaningful, that's how characters want it.
    ⑤ Dubcon → Character A wants Character B and it doesn't really matter if Character B wants it as bad or not.
    ⑥ In public → Characters feel like taking a risk and doing it in a public place.
    ⑦ Roleplay → Naughty nurse fetish? Pirate kink? You and your partner decide to try it out now!
    ⑧ Healing → You've both fought hard or gone through a rough time and it's time to get some R&R in.
    ⑨ Last time → This is the last time you're going to this because you're breaking up or maybe your lover is running off to sacrifice their lives in some heroic way. The possibilities are endless, but you better make this one count.
    ⑩ No strings attached → You're just friends with benefits. Nothing wrong with that, right?
    ⑪ Anonymous → You met in a restroom or bar, any location of your choosing, but you don't even know each other's names.
    ⑫ Toys → You're eager to try something new, so why not toys?
    ⑬ Aphrodisiacs → You've been slipped a strong aphrodisiac somehow and now you absolutely cannot control yourself.
    ⑭ Show → You're putting on a show by either doing it right in the club or filming it for a bunch of people.
    ⑮ Ménage à trois → It's time for that threesome you've always dreamed of.
    ⑯ Non-penetrative → Frottage, handjobs, whatever you want to try out.
    ⑰ Controlled → You are under mind control and must do whatever your lover asks of you.
    ⑱ Hatesex → It's not just rough or aggressive, you absolutely cannot stand each other.
    ⑲ Extreme → Fisting, knifeplay, whatever you can think of so long as it tests the boundaries.
    ⑳ Fantasy → This is just a fantasy, a dream, and you know it, but what is your ideal fantasy and how willing is your partner?

    You can post links to scenes in personal journals to this thread.
    Wednesday, February 8th, 2012
    9:11 pm
    You find yourself face to face with a bomb about to go off. What do you do?
    Thursday, February 2nd, 2012
    5:11 pm
    Action Figures
    What would the talking doll of someone you know say when you pull its string?

    Josie - It is time for science... in the laboratory of violence!
    Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
    12:29 am
    Loaded Question
    What's your favorite Character from TV, Movies, or Literature?
    Friday, January 20th, 2012
    9:42 pm
    Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
    5:28 pm
    Disney Fun
    If you were a Disney Character who would you be?
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