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Dec. 29th, 2014



WHO: Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Ted & Andromeda Tonks
WHAT: Draco is a little younger today.
WHERE: The bakery followed by Ted & Andromeda's cottage.
WHEN: Monday, 12/29
STATUS: Completed via GDOCS

Draco's stomach sunk when he realized he wandered too far... )

Dec. 28th, 2014


Radio Show

Who: Rose Zeller and whoever decides to participate
What: Rose's First Radio Show
Where: The Wireless
When: Backdated to Friday [the 26th] because of the crazy holidays
Rating: PG13 tops [mild language]

Good afternoon all of you wonderful Villagites )

Aug. 11th, 2014


You're invited!

DELIVERED TO: Orion Black, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Miles Bletchley, Amelia & Gideon Prewett, Edgar, Sally, & Emmy Bones, Susan Bones, Teddy Lupin & Charity Burbage, William Coburn, Liam Connolly, Peter Corner, Colin Creevey & Mary MacDonald, Dennis Creevey, Cedric Diggory & Analisa Montgomery, Albus, Kendra, & Arianna Dumbledore, Bee Dunstan, Mike & Cece Corner, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Autumn Flint, Merope Gaunt, Anthony & Rylan Goldstein, Gregory Goyle, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, Terence  )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jun. 5th, 2014



Who: Draco Malfoy & his friends, family and miscellaneous loved ones. [ic/ooc]
What: It’s a birthday party!
Where: Community Center!
When: Thursday, 5pm-whenever.

Celebrate good times, come on, lets celebrate! )

May. 19th, 2014


Draco & Ted

WHO: Draco Malfoy & open until filled Ted Tonks
WHAT: Wandering around somewhere entirely foreign.
WHERE: Magic Kingdom
WHEN: Monday afternoon

It took a few weeks, but Draco fell into a routine since returning to the village. He still sometimes needed to talk himself into leaving the Manor, but his therapist had been right in saying repetition helped. He got up most days, ate with the girls, went to work, returned home, ate again, repeat. He even managed to see those friends he trusted most although he still preferred hanging out in quieter settings with only a handful of people. However, he couldn't escape this Disney thing. Not only was he plain curious, but he promised some of his family and friends that he'd at least give it a chance.

Well, he gave it one. It was terrifying. No, really. The loud music. The death contraptions. The crowds. He wasn't ready for this.

"Get a grip," he muttered. He was starting to think he would forever talk to himself. He took a few deep breaths before finding a refreshment cart where he purchased something called a Pineapple Float. He thought it tasted pretty good, but after a few bites, his stomach started to turn. People kept rushing by. Some nodded at him, others avoided eye contact, others yelled a hello. He wondered how it was possible to know so many people and feel so impossibly lonely. He still felt like he was playing a part. He didn't know these people. They knew him. Heck, many of the people who once darkened his pages hadn't even said hello since he returned. He didn't know what to think because he felt like he was trying to fight two demons - his real life ones and then his past self's ones too. "No, really, get a bloody grip," he said into his float.

Apr. 11th, 2014


Radio broadcast

Who: Ted Tonks
What: A special radio broadcast, on location
Where: Ted's Tiki Hut
When: Backdated to the first day of the beach (so like... Monday 7 April? -_-)
Rating: Low

ooc )

[Broadcast fades in with sounds of the beach - crashing waves, seagulls, the sound of the grill at the tiki bar, and an instrumental version of "Margaritaville" playing in the background]

Wotcher, good people of the village. Ted here, broadcasting live from the re-instated Tiki Hut. Hope you've all enjoyed your morning. We wanted to just bring some time to have relax after... everything that's happened, and I wanted to play some music to set the mood as well. Here's me trying my hand at multitasking. (Don't tell Cressida, but I voted on the beach idea just to bring back the Tiki Hut. Mm-hmm.)

Anyway, I'll be here all morning, grilling up some summer-like food, mixed drinks at the ready (Dora, you still up for helping me with that? I can only do so much multitasking), and island-inspired songs on tap. Come on by whenever and let me know what your requests are (for songs and for the grill), or just write me. Hope you enjoy it.

I'll be going back to grilling now, and leaving you with this. Have a great rest of your day, everyone.

Mar. 25th, 2014


Radio broadcast

Wotcher, everyone. This is Ted. Ted Tonks, if you aren't familiar with my name or my voice.

So... well. [slight rustling, audible throat clearing] I'm just going to preface this by saying this kind of broadcast isn't exactly my strongest suit, but I just felt it was fitting. [audible heavy sigh heard] Lee was - is - a good man, and his loss, as well as so many others, seems so heavy. He brought a lot to this village with this wireless and knew just what to say in times like this.

Listen, I know a lot of you may be angry. I am, too. Those of you from 1998 onward, far from my time, it's not fair to you - you've had to live through this again. The purpose of this village, as I've known it, was to give people a second chance, and some of those people lost that today, too. But their disappearances are not in vain. Some died fighting for us, for our status quo here. Others were pushed back home against their will, but they fought. They all fought, and if it were me in their place, that's how I'd want to go if I had to, too.

I wanted to give a special thanks to Roxy, who did a brilliant job holding down the fort. I know there are so many you are missing tonight, and you deserve your space. Frankie, thank you for giving the village at large the information of our causualties.

And Lee, mate... [music fades in here] thank you for this gift. This isn't goodbye. We'll see you again soon, I hope. And that goes for everyone else who's gone tonight.

[after song plays] I'll be here if there's anything you want to hear. Sometimes, when we don't have the words, there's a song that says what we need to hear.

Mar. 12th, 2014


Adult Rescue

bravery is being the only one who knows you are afraid. )

Jan. 19th, 2014


Draco & Ted

WHO: Draco Malfoy & open Ted Tonks
WHAT: Brooding
WHERE: The gym

Draco finally reached a point in his life where everything seemed to be coming together. Hell, even the village had been quiet since the monsters perished. Sure, there was some discomfort with certain villagers thanks to his relationship with Fleur and a little bit of jealousy since Potter showed up again, but, mostly, Draco Malfoy was okay. Happy even.

Obviously things were meant to fall apart. He should have known better than to think he could be there for the people he loved when it mattered most. He knew he became a mentor to children in his future so his current job seemed wonderful, but obviously he wasn't good at it. Katie obviously hated him with good reason, his relationship with Bellatrix was complicated, he was too close to Albus to be fair, he felt Teddy kept him at arm's length, Myrtle was practically a daughter, but he always seemed to say the wrong thing lately, Po was his granddaughter and also seemingly unhappy...the list went on. Then, to top it all off, he kept losing them. Okay, he realized he couldn't be responsible for them all, but he could at least make sure those in his family were alright. Yet, in a few months, Myrtle went missing during the monster attack, Albus held himself up in a shed for days, Polaris escaped his damn house and got hurt, and Teddy ran away to look for his dad.

Clearly he had nothing under control. Clearly it was only a matter of time before everyone realized he was a sham and Potter took his rightful place with the kids, the Weasleys, everyone. And then he'd be alone again. He'd have his mother, his wonderful mother, but all the borrowed family and friends would ultimately go away. How could they not? He was failing. Always failing.

He had spent the day looking for Teddy, but eventually realized he had no idea where to go next so he showed up in the gym to take advantage of the punching bag. He'd go back out later. If he had his fucking broom...hell. He was cranky.

Jan. 15th, 2014


Wolf Problems Thread

WHO: Everyone we've been discussing + a wolfie Remus.
WHAT: No magic = poor potions = bad transformation
WHERE: A shack deep in the woods and then everywhere.
NOTE: Someone (anyone) is throwing a bonfire, which initially attracts the wolf!Remus. There is a film playing in the community centre. Want your character in the cross fire? Throw him or her here. Just want to react? Go ahead! Ad-lib wolfie, but don't kill him. Details in the OOC plotting post!

Remus couldn't think of a worse time for the magic to go out. Why so near the first full moon of the new year? Never mind the pain he'd go through sans the Wolfsbane, but what about everyone else? They couldn't even seal the shack with any real strength! His mates helped, of course, but he still worried the restraints wouldn't hold without a magical seal.

He didn't want anyone with him during the moon. For one, no one could willingly transform without their magic. For another, even those with newly acquired magic didn't have enough skill built to restrain him without potential harm to themselves.

He arrived at the shack... )

Dec. 24th, 2013


christmas gifts!





[if it's not clear who they're for, check the cut tags in each of their journals. and if i forgot ANY i'm so sorry. if you think your character should've gotten a gift, they probably did, and i'm just a human who errs. any forgotten peeps get stuff they'd like!]

Dec. 8th, 2013


Who: Ted and Andromeda
What: Being their usual cute selves
When: Sunday afternoon 8 December
Where: Their house to begin
Rating: Low? Maybe
Status: Locked // in progress

It was a good life here, and he was content. )

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Happy birthday, Narcissa!

WHO: Friends & Family (minus Lucius, sorry)
WHAT: Birthday celebration
WHERE: Beau Mangerie
WHEN: Slightly forwarded to the evening of Monday, Nov. 4th.
NOTE: Pretend there were invitations. Anyone who reasonably knows Narcissa and wants to come, may do so.

....... )

Nov. 1st, 2013


WHO; Ted's friends & family! If you want to come, you're invited!
WHAT; Ted's birthday!
WHEN; Friday night
WHERE; #23, Tonks' Residence
RATING; ic/ooc!

new meaning to 'pizza pizza' )

Jun. 5th, 2013


Pretend this was up way earlier...


May. 26th, 2013


WHO: Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black
WHAT: Probably being awkward and all that that entails as they see each other again.
WHERE: Outside of Cabin 44
WHEN: After this. Sorry it took so long.

The fact that this was a magical village made that threat even more real than she cared to admit. )