Thinking Liberally

March 1st, 2010

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Thinking liberally


March 1st, 2010

I don't care if it's legal, this should be done!!

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Most of us first learned of "the fillibuster" from watching "Mr Smith Goes To Washington." In this case, it was a good idea.

The Republicans, however, seem to think that it's a good idea all the time. About EVERYTHING. Any bill they don't like, any Cabinet appointee, they just start spewing bullshit from the floor in order to stop it.

Today, Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning caused the furlough of Federal workers due to his bullshit.

So, I have an idea.

Any time any Senator decides to pull this kind of crap that results in people losing out on pay, how about it ONLY affects their state? Everyone else gets to work, except the state for which the particular Senator hails from. Think the Teabaggers would get the point then?
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