Thinking Liberally

October 15th, 2009

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Thinking liberally


October 15th, 2009

Don't let it happen again

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Remember when Prop 8 passed in California and how much that sucked and how much we all wished we'd done more to fight it? Well the same thing is going to happen in Maine if we don't all step up and get to work RIGHT NOW!

On November 3rd Maine voters will go to the polls to vote on Question 1. Of course the wording is confusing (just like it was in CA) and voters will have to vote NO on 1 to say YES to marriage equality.

There are 3 ways you can help defeat Question 1 right this very moment, because if you're reading this you're already online so it's super easy to get to work right now!

First, email every single person you know who lives in Maine and tell them why you support marriage equality. Make sure they understand that they have to VOTE NO ON 1 on November 3rd to protect the rights of same-sex couples in Maine.

Second, DONATE to the No on 1 campaign. I'm poor and I just gave $50.

Third (and the most fun of the three!), sign up to CALL FOR EQUALITY. You can do it from anywhere in the country as long as you have internet access and a phone. I've done it twice this week and it's incredibly easy and really helps the campaign.

Remember Prop 8. Please, don't let it happen again!
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