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Forgotten Gods

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[Mar. 10th, 2011|06:13 pm]

Who: Cassandra ([info]thehorseisalie), references to several Trojan War characters
What: Mortal men are shorter lived and no better than gods
When: Throughout Cassandra's life
Where: Troy, Mycenae
Notes: Part 2/3 of in-flight writing. Rambling and pretentious/obscure references. Cf Business as usual & A day inside my head.

Allies, often, are men. )
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[Mar. 10th, 2011|05:19 pm]
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Who: Cassandra ([info]thehorseisalie), Apollo ([info]apollimi)
What: Eternal waking
When: A few years before the Trojan War
Where: Troy
Notes: Part 1/3 of in-flight writing. Monologue strangeness. Drabble. Hi Tania, I'm stealing your character once again.

Almost. )
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[Feb. 15th, 2011|11:22 pm]
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Who: Cassandra ([info]thehorseisalie), references to Apollo ([info]apollimi).
What: Why should one spurn a god.
When: A few years before the Trojan War.
Where: Troy.

"Love me," he had said. )
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|10:35 am]

Who: Cassandra ([info]thehorseisalie)
When: Mid 20th century
Where: Midlands, UK
Warnings: It's Cassandra; regular violence/tragedy warning applies

A small backyard and a view to the hills. )
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[Oct. 15th, 2009|11:37 am]
[music |Epica - Fools of Damnation]

Who: Cassandra (POV) and Paris. Obscure references to individuals involved in the Trojan War. Spot them all and you get a cookie.
What: Why one should not mix Priamides and Olympians together.
When: Around 1196 BC, after the Judgement of Paris
Where: Troy
Notes: Stream of consciousness babble.

Where are you going? You will bring conflagration back with you. How great the flames are that you are seeking over these waters, you do not know. )
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Viva Las Vegas [Aug. 17th, 2008|11:10 am]
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Who: Cassandra and Gabriel
Where: Las Vegas
When: July 2, 1966

There's blackjack, poker, and roulette wheel/A fortune won and lost on every deal )
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Impromptu nursery rhymes are a bad idea. [Jul. 15th, 2008|12:26 am]
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Who: Pscipolnitsa and Cassandra
When: 1870. Flux of Russian immigration to Pennsylvania.
Where: Outside of Pittsburgh, farmland.
Rating: PG-13+ Children + child possession + child abduction/violence.

She remembered when they truly saw her as a goddess, the goddess of the grain, the noon-time goddess, and danger be to he who worked, played, or ventured into the fields at noon... )
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