Forgotten Gods: Histories [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods

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[Mar. 10th, 2011|05:19 pm]
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Who: Cassandra ([info]thehorseisalie), Apollo ([info]apollimi)
What: Eternal waking
When: A few years before the Trojan War
Where: Troy
Notes: Part 1/3 of in-flight writing. Monologue strangeness. Drabble. Hi Tania, I'm stealing your character once again.

Almost. )
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[Feb. 15th, 2011|11:22 pm]
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Who: Cassandra ([info]thehorseisalie), references to Apollo ([info]apollimi).
What: Why should one spurn a god.
When: A few years before the Trojan War.
Where: Troy.

"Love me," he had said. )
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Meet and re-meet. [Jun. 16th, 2010|04:21 pm]

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Who: Apollo [[info]phaebus] & Asteria [[info]esteris]
What: Apollo returns home to find a strange woman occupying one of Delos' shores. Hilarity ensues?
When: ... A really long time ago. Currently unknown, though approximately half a year after Asteria regained a human form.
Where: Island of Delos.
Warnings: Asteria's convoluted brand of not-quite-crazy. Maybe some slight sexual forwardness? Tame, at best.

When she'd finally remembered how to count, Asteria had taken up the habit of marking the days in the sand, and then doing it over and over again after the tide had washed them away. )
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|04:58 pm]
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Who: Apollo and Daphne
What: First meetings
When: Ancient Greece, a few days after Daphne killed Leucippus
Where: A forest in Ancient Greece
Warnings: Mentions of death, TBD

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