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More pictures from a Fansite for Robert Pattinson (Edward) [Mar. 20th, 2008|05:40 am]

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[Current Mood | chipper]

Personally, it took me a little bit to see Robert Pattinson as Edward, even though I wasn't sure who I had in mind. However, the more pictures I see him in from the set, the more he IS Edward.

More pics from the set featuring him and Kristen and the funky new Volvo which I think totally fits Edward's "high school image".  (Okay, so it's not a "funky" new Volvo, but it is different than what I saw in my mind when I read the books.)

Robert Pattinson Fan Photo Gallery website

Please, if you want to post, please post! Let's get this place hoppin'! Icons, images, fan art, fanmixes! Let's bring life to this community even though it's just starting out!

Also, if anyone wants to help mod, because I'm not really all that experienced, please, I would love the help.

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