Monday, November 3rd, 2008

The Rentboy!Draco Series, by [info]lilith1631; Draco/Harry; completed

Links to all parts posted with permission from [info]lilith1631.

Part One
Title: Tatty Ties and Frenching Thighs
Author: [info]lilith1631
Beta(s): ???
Word Count: 2,465 words
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warning(s): wanking (masturbation), boy!love (slash, m/m), language (he swears like a sailor)
Summary: Harry Potter doesn’t need a job, he’s got enough money and he likes spending it on something very expensive.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, plot, and all related products belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., and Raincoast Publishing. No profit is being made from this creation. No copyright infringement is intended.

Part Two
Title: Mastercard
Author: [info]lilith1631
Beta(s): [info]aurora_1301
Word Count: 4,312 words
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warning(s): suggestion of boy!love (slash, m/m), language (he still swears like a sailor), blowjob (sucking a stranger’s lollypop), OAP!Flirting
Summary: Hermione thinks its slavery, Ron pretends he doesn’t know about it, Draco thinks it’s a competition and Harry thinks it’s worth the cost.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, plot, and all related products belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., and Raincoast Publishing. No profit is being made from this creation. No copyright infringement is intended.

Part Three
Title: Addicted
Author: [info]lilith1631
Beta(s): [info]aurora_1301 and [info]mytailorisrich
Word Count: 4,121 words
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warning(s): implied and not too explicit boy!Love (slash m/m), Language (what a potty mouth) and lil drop of angst
Summary: Harry has a problem. He is rapidly running out of money - he has to get a job to pay for his addiction
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, plot, and all related products belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., and Raincoast Publishing. No profit is being made from this creation. No copyright infringement is intended.

Part Four
Title: No More Muffins
Author: [info]lilith1631
Beta(s): [info]aurora_1301 and [info]mytailorisrich
Word Count: 4,663 words
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warning(s): Don’t look at these, they ruin the plot! Character death, breathplay, bondage, mentions infantilism, unintentional necrophilia, Language, graphic sex, implied cross-dressing
Summary: Harry and Draco enjoy domestic bliss together
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, plot, and all related products belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., and Raincoast Publishing. No profit is being made from this creation. No copyright infringement is intended.
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