Sep. 9th, 2007


Harry Potter ~Slash Challenge #10: Interview with the Vampire~

((Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowling and her associates. No money is being made off this challenge. I'm just having fun with her characters *smiles*))

Date of: September 15, 2005
Summary: One reporter finds the catch of a lifetime.
The Plotline: Draco Malfoy, star reporter for (insert whatever paper/magazine you choose) and was set out to interview someone intriguing. He meets a vampire known as Harry Potter and comes to find out that this infamous vampire is the child of one Draco's long time descendants, Lucius Malfoy.

Basically, I am looking for something that is a setup like Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. I love and adore this movie. I've been on a kick with it lately and I had this idea...'what if this was done Harry Potter style? How wicked would that be?!' So there you go. All I ask that you don't copy this movie. Use the basis and in the 'What must it include?' portion, these are the Harry Potter characters and how I would see them as the vampire characters.

Interview with the Vampire )

A very special note: Anne Rice does not allow her characters to be used in fandom writing, so please do not insert any character in which she owns. This challenge is meant to be the same setup as her book, Interview with the Vampire, but not using her characters. Please make the story different from her book and the movie in which came after the book. Thanks, loves!!!