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F M rp Life

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[16 Aug 2009|07:35pm]

I'm too afraid to make requests for several potentially complex fandom based PSLs because I'm afraid of all of the crazy shippers that I might get answering that only want angst and smut. FMRPL.
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[29 Jul 2009|01:25pm]

I hate using the same icons for the same characters at the same time... so I'm sitting here making multiple icons from the same picture. FMRPL.
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[24 Jul 2009|11:29pm]

Still pining for a dead storyline and hoping to one day get a comment from the same partner wanting to revive it, even though I know that it will never happen. effmeandmyrplyf.
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[01 Jul 2009|07:11am]

Okay, I narrowed it down to my worst (best?) FMRPL:

A little over a year ago I announced to the community I was in that I'd be on hiatus due to family issues, and left it at that without going into detail. I then got a bunch of anon comments on my PERSONAL JOURNAL about what a whiny pussy I was and how I couldn't handle life and I should go die, etc. I'd taken this hiatus because my dad was out of the country and had had a heart attack. My mom had to fly down there and stay with him for a week until he recovered, leaving me on my own to take care of my brother, all the while not knowing if my dad was going to survive and how we were going to pay the $50,000 in hospital bills if insurance wouldn't cover it. My dad's fine now and everything worked out, but it was the worst week of my life and some dick decided to pick on me anyway. I later found out who this asshole was, and she was a crazy that anonspammed basically everyone in the community. So, fuck my RP life, but mostly, fuck you, bitch! You know who you are, and I hope that when your family members fall ill you'll treat them with all the kindness you showed me and the rest of the community. Now go die.

GOD THAT FELT GOOD. That was a long time coming. I think I'm in love with this community.
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[01 Jul 2009|02:31am]

Today, I realized that in my three years of playing this character, I have so many FMRPL-worthy stories and encounters with crazies that I'm too overwhelmed to try and recall them all in a post here. FMRPL
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[26 Jun 2009|09:51am]

1. My schedule is changing so I get to sleep in later and can be around more during the day. My sl partners are all used to me being up two hours earlier than I'm going to be getting up, so now I miss them. FMrpL.

2. The only two characters my kid ever loved. Now flirting. With each other. Magnanimity has its limit, and his is swiftly approaching. FMrpL.
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