FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

    Time Event
    Compilation Post for Month 13: Scar

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    Scar has been called away to explain to certain greedy corporations why fanfic must not be touched. We must thank him for the services he was able to render us during his breif vacataion:

    Behold his rightiousness )

    Month 14 Drop sheet

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    Oops! Did you check out the wrong pairing? Was it not quite what it promised to be? That's okay, feel free to put it back in circulation, and Sciezska will even let you check another pairing out.

    Just remembrer the due date is the 21st, any returns after that are subject to a fine.

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