FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

    Time Event
    Month 12 Compilation Post: Alfons Heidrich

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    Heidrich, we barely knew you. While life brought roughly to your knees, and stripped you of your dignity, we were entertained, and thus it was all worth it.

    RIP – Heidrich –- RIP.

    Our Eulogy )

    Welcome Tsu! And Pairings -- what are they?

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    As a present to ourselves, FFQ has taken on a new slave Mod. Her name is [info]tsu she's very hard working and adorable, but she tends to bite, so don't annoy her. From now on, [info]ffq_mod might be either [info]velvet_mace or [info]tsu… you never know… Anyway, welcome her, or else. ^___^

    Right now she we are working to whip the Memories into shape. Soon you will be able to go to memories, click on a name and find all the fics and art with a certain character in it. This is especially useful if you have a hankering for someone who hasn't had a month dedicated to him/her yet.

    Okay, that's the good news now for the bad news:

    It's come to our attention that some members might be a wee bit unclear on the concept of a claimed pairing. So I have put together a bit of a tutorial with dirty pictures to demonstrate.

    Because there's nothing like porn to get your attention )

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