FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Thursday, March 1st, 2007

    Time Event
    Month 11 Sign Up Sheet: Masturbation

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    They say before one can love another, one must first love oneself. We of [info]fma_fuh_q heartily agree -- and we'd like nothing better than to see our favorite characters (and those who we vaguely think about once in a while) being passionate about their bodies; we are pleased to see them really reach down, explore their innermost being, and find their bliss. And so it is for their own health and well being that this month we pair the entire cast with their most useful, faithful, and dependable friend: themselves.

    Though this is a hand's on job, it doesn't necessarily have to be a hand-job. Feel free to use whatever machinery, toy, or prop necessary to fully express the depth of your character's affection. In addition, "private time" need not actually be private so long as the actual deed is nothing but pure, decadent self-gratification.

    Month 11: Masturbation

    Let the self-love begin. )

    Reminder for those with extensions: You can't get any time alone with your claim, until you've shooed Hughes away.

    Someone grabbed your dream claim? Month 11 Drop Sheet is right here. Push pin it and be notified if the claim gets dropped. (Don't be pushy -- wait until it's actually dropped before you try to claim it).

    Month 11 Drop Sheet

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    So, the drugs wore off and you woke up 3 hours late for work wearing someone else's boxers. And then you remembered signing up for a claim and started to scream...

    Well no worries -- Drop your claims here, and all will be right as rain again.

    Just remember, don't be tardy -- Last day to drop is the 21st.

    EDIT: Please don't ask to pick up claims here -- this is only for dropping claims. I had to think about this a bit, but I've come to the conclusion that it's not in this com's best interest to have a waiting list. It really is unfair to those who have nabbed the claim honestly to feel pressured into dropping it because someone else is breathing down their neck to get it.

    If you got a burning bunny to write an already claimed pairing (or in this case person), please go ahead and do so, and post up on any one of the other FMA communities that regularly take that pairing. The purpose of this com is to encourage people to flex their creative muscles and write what they ordinarily wouldn't; it's not a shackle preventing people from writing any pairing they desire.

    So go ahead and press the push-pin and if the person, on their own time and for their own reasons, decides to drop, you will be immediately informed, and you can then go to the regular sign up page and ask for it.

    I hope this clears things up.

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