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(carry me on)

41 - North and South Icons, 1 Robin Hood Icon + 1 North and South Header [08 Sep 2007|05:44am]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Guster - Rocket Ship ]

[5] Margaret Hale
[5] random North and South
[31] John Thornton
[1] Sir Guy of Gisborne


1. 2. 3. 4.

icons under the cut )

Last but not least a header I made and am not sure, whether I'll even use it!


Constellation of the Heart

x-posted at [info]ns_icons

- Credit either [info]nimielle or [info]flyingsideways when taking
- No hotlinking
- no editing or using these as bases please
- Comments are

(carry me on)

13 North and South Icons [08 Sep 2007|05:42am]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Guster - Rocket Ship ]

Alright, these icons are NOT spoiler free.

Don't click on the link, if you intend to watch the mini-series and don't want to be spoiled!!!

[2] John Thornton
[11] Margaret and John

Icons under the cut )

x-posted at [info]ns_icons

- Credit either [info]nimielle or [info]flyingsideways when taking
- No hotlinking
- No editing or using these as bases please
- Please comment when taking

(carry me on)

14 North and South icons + 1 NaS WP + 1 NaS Banner [08 Sep 2007|05:40am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Don Giovanni! :) ]

[12] John Thornton
[2] Margaret Hale
[1] 1 WP
[1] Banner

These icons are spoiler free!

The other post I'll make will contain spoilers and I ask you NOT to look at them, if you haven't seen the movie and intend to watch it!

Alright :)


1. 2. 3.

Icons under the cut )

cut to the banner )

John Thornton Wallpaper

x-posted at [info]ns_icons

- Credit either [info]nimielle or [info]flyingsideways when taking
- No hotlinking
- No editing or using these as bases please
- Please comment when taking

(carry me on)

15 Gabriel Icons [08 Sep 2007|05:39am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Hoodwinked! ]

Woooooh, been making icons again.

I made these as a Christmas Calendar gift for [info]atomicmagnolia

Gabriel from Constantine

[15] Gabriel

Icons under the cut )

(carry me on)

13 Kate Bush icons [08 Sep 2007|05:37am]

So today, for some reason I came across a lot of Kate Bush photos. Actually I began by trying to find a certain image from the "Hounds of Love" CD I bought in summer and there they were!

[13] Kate Bush Icons


icons under the cut )

(carry me on)

3 Music icons [08 Sep 2007|05:35am]

or well, 3 different versions of the same icon, because I was playing around with some of the effects of Photopaint :)

icons under the cut )

(carry me on)

First batch of icons! :) [08 Sep 2007|05:21am]

alright :)

winter icons under here )

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