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i'll be there for you 'cause you're there for me too
seems like you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me
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Hey yo bitches! Reply to this post with five facts about each Fortunatus character. Then other characters, get nosy.

MEME! []

Pretend for a moment if you will that brain/mouth barriers have been removed. What do you really think of your friends? Your enemies? That kid you passed in the hall two years ago who spilled ink all over you? Now is the time to find out! Just leave a comment with your character name and other characters are free to tell yours exactly what they think of them!

17 nov | warded to kat []

Okay, enough with the suspense, Kitty-Kat. Who is your personal creep, and do I need to go set him on fire or what?


What Is This Shit: Gus tells his family to go and do one, so he can run off with Scott instead of marrying Torie.

I fell in love the way you fall asleep--slowly, then all at once. )

What Is This Shit: Kat attends to ball with her secret admirer and finally discovers his true identity.

She would be coming face-to-face with the person who had been a pleasingly constant fixture in her life for the past few years )


What is this shit: Erin and Owain ball 2.0! This time with less wacky misunderstandings! March 2024.

and i and you, we're just so, we're so darn cute )


I know I don't usua There are going to be bad conditions on the weekend weather-wise. I thought you might want to know before you wake up to four feet of snow or try to go outside when it's hailing. Especially those in Hufflepuff or Slytherin who'll be playing a quidditch match. Good luck. You'll nee

jan 2024 []

Well. I can't think of a better way to start off the term than that.

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