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The First Rise RPG

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[Aug. 19th, 2008|08:49 am]
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Who: Emmeline Vance, Rabastan Lestrange and Julian Vance
When: Um, sometime ago because I forgot to post. *sigh*
Where: Rabastan's house and then Emmeline's.
What: Emmeline comes to confess and Rabastan demands meeting his son.

(You cut out the 'we' when you left and decided that I didn't deserve to know that you were having a child. YOU didn't want me to be a part of it. YOU lied about... I never thought you'd do something like this.)

"The box should keep you entertained for a while." [Jul. 8th, 2008|06:26 pm]
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Who: Benjy Fenwick and Rabastan Lestrange
What: a private meeting
When: first week of July
Where: Whitby Abbey

"Yes, that one. Think you're up for a challenge?"

"You flatter me, love." [Jul. 3rd, 2008|07:54 am]
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Who: Rabastan Lestrange and Emmeline Vance
What: nearly a civil conversation
When: first week of July
Where: an apothecary on the outskirts of London

"Two times in a month. I'm going to think you miss me."
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'I do believe I'm going to be shagging my wife tonight.' [Jun. 28th, 2008|10:38 pm]

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Who: Rodolphus and Rosmerta
Where: Rodolphus' office
When: June 28th
What: A bit of flirting and seeing right through each other

'I'll bet she's a tiger in bed, that one.'

Who: Rodolphus and Bellatrix
Where: Rodolphus' bedroom
When: June 28th, after his talk with Rosmerta
What: Marriage bliss

"GET IN BED," he bellowed, pointing imperiously at it. "NOW!"

Needing you in the first place was my mistake, Rabastan. [Jun. 13th, 2008|10:41 pm]
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Who: Emmeline Vance and Rabastan Lestrange
When: Friday, June 13th
Where: Outside Hogwarts
What: Emmeline is summoned to Hogwarts and comes face to face with the one person she cannot harm.

(You can still hold me at your mercy without the risk of hexing a hole in my chest.)

The ones that do not respond favourably will wish they had. [Jun. 13th, 2008|08:03 pm]
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Who: Alecto Carrow and Rabastan Lestrange
What: Infiltration of Hogwarts
When: Friday, the night of the Leaving Feast
Where: Hogwarts

"But my loyalty is to the Dark Lord, not to her. I wish to please Him."

The Lestrange Manor is an interesting place.. [Jun. 8th, 2008|08:16 pm]
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Who: Bellatrix Lestrange and Alecto Carrow
When: Friday, June 6th
Where: Lestrange Mano
What: Bellatrix has an assignment for Alecto

(I will not tolerate any mistakes on your part, Alecto. You may consider this a test and if you fail...)


Who: Bellatrix and Rabastan Lestrange
When: Saturday, June 7th, Early Morning
Where: The Kitchen of the Lestrange Manor
What: Just some, erm, friendly chatter between Bella and Rab

(I doubt it's your hopes that have gotten up. Perhaps something a little further south?)

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