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Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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Update on progress [Nov. 2nd, 2007|03:13 pm]


So, I've got a progress report thing...including some finished stuff, all under cut
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And there is one important thing I learned this month. Legolas and the Elves of Lorien may never get finished. Apparently I need to be in a certain mindset to write that, and you know, I'm really good with never ever being in that mindset again, since it comes from being very very depressed and desperately needing to cheer myself up. So if that ends up as an eternal WIP, I can live with that.
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[Oct. 12th, 2007|03:15 pm]


Stuff I got done....
I got one thing off the list. The Lucius/Hermione fic which is rated R and has implied Lucius/Severus And one thing not on the list, a dark little ficlet involving the Evil Overlord list and Lucius.
My muse is still Lucius obsessed, sigh. Did much complaining on that. Unfortunately everything with due dates is non-Lucius related. Anyone got any suggestions? I'm currently thinking bribery combined with threats. Or small doses of alcohol.
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Breaking Habits Meme [Oct. 9th, 2007|11:24 am]


I'm a bit stuck right now, and maybe this will help....
meme here )
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Plot bunny fic! [Oct. 5th, 2007|03:38 pm]


I feel very accomplished now. I wrote a plot bunny fic and managed to combine it with one of my prompts and included one of my favorite classical music pieces as well.
Um, most info under cut because it contains DH spoilers and I don't know how to do that whiteout thing.
Title: Libera Me
Author/Artist: [info]melfinatheblue
Rating: G
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Fake cut takes you to story
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more progress on the epic WIP [Oct. 4th, 2007|05:09 pm]


So I wrote part 5. Yay! Um, warnings are basically the same. Go read if you like. 1700 words.
Part 5
Next up, more work on forty or better, and update both writing comms. And more of this, of course.
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Introduction and Getting Started Meme [Oct. 2nd, 2007|09:34 am]


Name:Melfina aka [info]melfinatheblue
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest:Mostly HP, with dashes of LotR and Dr Who
Participation: Writer

The one item from your list that you most want to complete: um, before I started, Legolas and the Elves of Lorien. Now it's the epic fic o'Doom, aka Lucius Malfoy and the Cauldron of Doom.
Items with a deadline other than this fest: only item on my list that has a deadline that matches this fest is the forty_or_better fic. Then 12th_night fic is due later, then the fic o'doom, then nothing else has a due date, but my friend might kill me if I don't eventually get her fic done.
Most fun item on your list:Um, tackling a plot bunny should be fun, especially if I can strangle it to keep it short. And I'm rather looking forward to the War at Hogwarts one.
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: Legolas and the Elves of Lorien. Thanks to the wonderful[info]suemonroe I am now convinced it does not suck, but I am having trouble even convincing myself to look at it. My writing style's shifted enough away from that insane silly that it's difficult to get back into it.

How do you start a project?I start writing the fic. Idea pops into head, and I either start writing then and there, or if I'm working on another story, jot it down for later. Research gets done as I work, or I stick a note in for later.
In what conditions do you work best? When I have nothing else to do. Lately this means at work, since I have lots of downtime. Seriously, I get bored, and write down the story in my head.
One thing that always inspires you to create: Stress.
One general thing you would really like to improve on: Muse control. I'd be much happier if I knew how I was getting to where I was going.
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: Read. Seriously, read. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, fanfiction. If you know you have trouble with writing dialogue, find an author who writes it well and study how they do it. Also, bouncing ideas off others is always helpful.

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done:
Random snippet from Legolas and the Elves of Lorien )
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I'm really confused by productivity [Sep. 25th, 2007|03:44 pm]


Two new parts to Lucius Malfoy and the Cauldron of Doom. that stuff we put on top of our fics, which would be warnings if these had any )
And here come the links...
Part 2: Lucius attends a staff meeting and goes to a family dinner hopped up on painkillers. 2500 words"
Part 3: Lucius goes to Hogwarts. 2000 words
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One part down! (700 to go(j/k, maybe)) [Sep. 24th, 2007|11:22 am]


So one part of my prompt over at [info]luciusfqf is done! Yay! No clue how many parts this fic's going to end up being, but since I am now halfway through part 2, and have not yet started the school year, well, it may be a doozy.
You can go read here if you are so inclined. It's rated R for cursing, no pairings really yet (though Lucius/Severus is implied) and only warning is tickling used in a nonsexual manner. Prompt was Lucius becomes the Potions Master at Hogwarts.

Oh, and how do you find betas? I need one for Legolas and the Elves of Lorien and I have no clue how to find one. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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My list [Sep. 19th, 2007|10:30 am]

[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |work]
[Current Music |fan noise (AC's gone out in the lab)]

My list: (edited on September 24 since my lovely friend reminded me of other things I have promised to do) Damn, why did she come back from her trip?
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And I need to remember that I am not allowed anywhere near [info]luciusfqf until I finish everything else. My muse keeps going ooh shiny, and somehow I ended up with 4 prompts instead of just 1. Sigh. Bad me.
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