Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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score [Oct. 27th, 2007|12:45 pm]


Last ten rachel/alec and last ten Max/Logan fics are off to my beta for correcting and such.

That's done. My prompts for voicesinmyhead are done, Yes, everything on my list is crossed off EXCEPT my blogging, which, granted, I've been doing

I also finished one of the icon claims I had to do for Dean Winchester and posted them all up. Go me. Something done that is NOT on my list. I am awesome today.
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God.... [Oct. 24th, 2007|04:46 pm]


5 max/logan fanfic100s
12 rachel/alec fics being beta'd
rps with Alec done, currently being fixed by Alec's mun for errors and getting prettied.
prompts done for the voices within.

I sound like that 12 days of xmas song. God help me.

I've never had anything beta'd before lol. Now my wrist and my brain are broken, dead and hurt.

NaNo is 6 days away....lovely...

chocolate chip cookies anyone?
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Update [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:22 pm]


I've been getting a lot done, unfortunately some of the Alec/Ben Fics I can't link to as they are written up (it's about 10, all drabbles, nothing long)

stuff that's actually viewable )

All fics are rated pg-13 unless otherwise stated.

Also my fic journal is now completely tagged, memoried and pretty:
One more thing crossed off my list.
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My lovely finishes. [Oct. 14th, 2007|05:38 pm]


Read more... )

I should treat myself to something..I'm doing pretty dang good. All fics in above post are rated pg-13 to R. Nothing too bad or anything.
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My list updated. [Oct. 10th, 2007|12:42 pm]


my list, since it's long again from 3-4 days )

And there's still a lot more coming for the day. This is from the past.....3-4 days. I'm on a roll *grins* At least I can officially cross ONE thing off on my list. ALL FICS ARE RATED Pg-13 to rated R!
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Oct 4 list [Oct. 5th, 2007|06:31 pm]


behind a cut for length )
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Updates (for oct 2 and 3) [Oct. 3rd, 2007|10:20 pm]


cut because too much got done )
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Introduction and Getting Started Meme [Oct. 1st, 2007|09:45 pm]


Name: Lithium (Or Padme if you wish)
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest: Dark Angel, Supernatural, Original Characters
Participation: Writer/Artist

The one item from your list that you most want to complete: It's actually a tie between my fanfic100 tables and my nano outline
Items with a deadline other than this fest: My nano outline: Oct 31
Most fun item on your list: organize and put up headers for my journals.
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: My fanfic100 stuff and my nano outline. *shudders* NaNo scares me.

How do you start a project? I personally get the idea in my head and then just start writing it, I don't put much thought into it when it comes to fanfic100 and such and prompts because I KNOW something will come from it if I just let it flow. Unfortunately, NaNo doesn't happen that way.
In what conditions do you work best? In my room, with my winamp and multi-tasking RPing and such with my friends on messengers.
One thing that always inspires you to create: Music.
One general thing you would really like to improve on: My fear of not completing things.
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: I really honestly only have one thing to say. Work your hardest but don't stress yourself out. Just go with it, get done what you can.

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done:
my little excert )
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My Progressions so far: [Oct. 1st, 2007|09:11 pm]


Rachel and Alec:
Prompt 90 - Home
Promp 36 - Smell
Done: 2/50

Muse journal entries:
Tara McFadden
Rachel Berrisford
Padme Naberrie
Jessica Moore
consecutive week: 1 (prompt done: Dreams)

Currently working on: Fixing up my Dark Angel Icon community userinfo, NEW prompt for Voicesinmyhead (new one posted a few hours ago)

All fics and prompts are pg-13 and contain no sexual content what so ever.
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My list [Sep. 17th, 2007|11:06 pm]

[Tags|, ]

Things I want to get done in five weeks.

Read more... )
Crazy? Yes. But I KNOW I can get it done.
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