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Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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Kynx Update: HAHA! WE'RE DONE!! [Oct. 31st, 2007|12:18 am]
[Current Location |Jynx's front room watching 300]
[Current Mood | bouncy]
[Current Music |300 on the tv]



1/ 30 Seconds to Mars RPS - Hotel Rooms and Handcuffs
Rating – Adult
Word Count -- 3442
Summary – Porn laced with crack? Cracky, post-gig, PWP.

2/ Hermione/All Malfoys - The Road to Hell...
13k words.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

3/ Start next installment of w-mail fic and we aim to do 2 chapters this month. First chapter has been posted, second chapter is done and will be up tomorrow or Thursday.
First Mailing
Summery: Set Nineteen Years Later. All told through w-mail again.
Second Mailing

4/ Crack fic - How the Marauders got their name. A Fairy Tale, complete in one act

5/ Drarry gift fic - Costume Confessions and Paranoid Obsessions
Rating – Adult
Word Count – 3579
Summary – Set in the Glittery Wings and Sparkly Things universe, which can be found HERE. In this fic, Harry’s drunk and Draco’s paranoid and cracked out hilarity ensues.


Both of us are now sitting watching 300 and wondering what we should be doing now...

I think it's celebratory rum time....
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Update on Kynx Fic's [Oct. 23rd, 2007|09:31 pm]
[Current Location |Bed]
[Current Mood | contemplative]
[Current Music |Chevelle]

Finished fic's -

1/ 30 Seconds to Mars RPS - Hotel Rooms and Handcuffs
Rating – Adult
Word Count -- 3442
Summary – Porn laced with crack? Cracky, post-gig, PWP.

5/ Drarry gift fic - Costume Confessions and Paranoid Obsessions
Rating – Adult
Word Count – 3579
Summary – Set in the Glittery Wings and Sparkly Things universe, which can be found HERE. In this fic, Harry’s drunk and Draco’s paranoid and cracked out hilarity ensues.

2/ Hermione/All Malfoys - The Road to Hell... - currently at Beta-shop.
12k words and we're both so very excited about this one :D

Still to be written -

3/ Start next installment of w-mail fic and we aim to do 2 chapters this month - perhaps next week while sitting in a pub drinking.

4/ Crack fic - How the Marauders got their name. Started planning this one tonight.
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[Oct. 9th, 2007|11:20 am]
[Current Location |whereever you are... you're there]
[Current Mood |batshit]
[Current Music |saliva]

Name: [info]kynx
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest: Harry Potter & Thirty Seconds to Mars
Participation: (Writer/artist/beta/other. Include which you are doing for this fest, as I need to know this in order to make the meme challenges helpful.) Writer, can beta for continuity/readability but hopeless with SPAG.
The one item from your list that you most want to complete: Item two 2/ Hermione/all malfoys, for a prompt inell gave us months ago. It's feels like it's been going on forever, lol.
Items with a deadline other than this fest: None
Most fun item on your list: W-Mail
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: M'not dreading anything, but generally we need to be more organised and consistent, so just encouragement for everything would be good :D
How do you start a project?(Do you take vague notes, outline extensively, dive deep into research?) We have and IM convo about it, usually we write it back and forth to each other over IM, save the im convo into a word file, and tidy it up, then decide what we need to do about it and get a vague outline, we either divide the fic up and write separately or keep writing back and forth, crack and dialogue works best going back and forth, just reacting to each other. Here's a convo at the start of a fic click for rambling kynx )
In what conditions do you work best? (Time of day, the place you like to work in, the medium, for example.) As long as there's sweet caffiene (tea, coffee, coke) or alcohol and nicotine, anytime there is no distractions. I like middle of the night best, kit has pesky job so can't do middle of the night very often but we do seem to work well from about 9pm onwards, yeps definate nighttimes, night owls is us :D
One thing that always inspires you to create: (Anything. A quote, book, movie, artist, fanfiction, anything. Share with us, in hopes that we will be inspired by it as well.) It's compltely random, internet cartoons, posters, movie tag lines, memes, quizzes, music, each other, our friends, e-mail conversations with folks who know not of the slash, my friend at work, our respective stalkers (which are real and not in our heads).
One general thing you would really like to improve on: (Overall; doesn't have to be specific to an item on your list.) Plot, plot development and working on longer maybe chaptered fics. Our fic are gradually getting longer but the only chaptered one we have is w-mail, I think I'd like to be working on a fic, poa
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: Erm... not really? Only that there are no bad ideas, just crack fic and un-crackfic.

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done:
this is crack )
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List most like to be kidnapped by giant budgies [Sep. 28th, 2007|04:17 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |home]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |30stm]

Kynx )
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