Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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[Oct. 25th, 2007|01:18 am]
[Current Location |couch]
[Current Mood | depressed]
[Current Music |(world series game on tv)]

Snaco exchange fic done ... just waiting for mods to open the community and start the posting. This piece has been my sole focus for the last two months. Yesterday morning it was horrible, and now I think it is fine to post.

Now I can work on some other stories.
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Dracoluvah's list [Sep. 26th, 2007|09:45 pm]
[Tags|, ]

1. Snaco exchange - due Oct. 15th (I'm screwed)
2. "Snape after DH" another one due Oct. 15th
3. "10 kinks" table 6 h/d
4. A birthday fic for a friend
5. SS/DM story for Synn

Unfortunately, I've had a small relapse of depression and I'm having a hard time writing.
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