Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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The list is shrinking! [Oct. 27th, 2007|12:34 pm]


So I've finally finished the old Hex Files H/D fics I've had sitting on my compy for months and they are off to beta!
Of course, since we are no where near Valentine's Day anymore, I adapted them to Halloween. Heh, I'm so clever. *g*

I even opened the files for the follow up to Spy and the incomplete D2D AND I began the [info]snarry_holidays fic. Let's hope the muse keeps talking to me. *crosses fingers*
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Update [Oct. 23rd, 2007|12:10 am]

[Current Mood | pleased]

Aaaand, my [info]phoenix_flies fic went up today. :)
See it HERE.
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Two more down! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|01:46 pm]

[Current Mood | relieved]

Well, another two fics are done and off to the beta! *glee*
My [info]hd_inspired Mpreg fic is done and my [info]harry_holidays fic is also done and at the beta, so whew!

Now onto the other fests. I'm hoping that since they are Snarry they'll go fast. *g*
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Introduction and Getting started Meme [Oct. 2nd, 2007|11:13 pm]

[Current Mood | hopeful]

Name: [info]alisanne
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest: Harry Potter.
Participation: (Writer/artist/beta/other. Include which you are doing for this fest, as I need to know this in order to make the meme challenges helpful.) Writer primarily.

The one item from your list that you most want to complete: Wow, just one? Well, I have several exchange fests that I'm participating in, so those take priority. So that means [info]snarry_holidays, [info]harry_holidays, [info]snarry_swap and the [info]hd_inspired MPreg fest all have to be done.
Items with a deadline other than this fest: Those mentioned above plus my [info]phoenix_flies fic.
Most fun item on your list: Mmm, prolly my [info]harry_holidays fic since I know the recipient quite well. ;)
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: I'm not dreading it, but my [info]snarry_swap recipient is well known in Snarry circles and she makes me nervous.

How do you start a project?(Do you take vague notes, outline extensively, dive deep into research?) I get an idea and I start writing. If I flounder, I then try to plot and outline.
In what conditions do you work best? (Time of day, the place you like to work in, the medium, for example.)In front of the TV (for background noise) in the evening on on the weekends.
One thing that always inspires you to create: (Anything. A quote, book, movie, artist, fanfiction, anything. Share with us, in hopes that we will be inspired by it as well.) Just about anythiing can spark an idea for me, from a song on the radio to a billboard to a snippet of overheard conversation to a color. I watch a lot of decorating TV so their ideas can spark something for me, too.
One general thing you would really like to improve on: (Overall; doesn't have to be specific to an item on your list.) My descriptions.
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: Advice? Write all the time, lol. I literally am writing in my head or on slips of paper all thru my day, and I think it helps keep my muse interested. *g*

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done:
preliminary excerpt from my phoenix flies fic which may be subject to change... )
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One down, 10,000 more to go [Oct. 2nd, 2007|11:01 am]

[Current Mood | busy]

Eee! I finished one! *glee*
My Oct [info]daily_deviant fic is done! I'll be posting it on the 5th when it's due, so I'll provide a link then.
*surveys the rest of the list*
*runs screaming*

EDIT: Here it is! A Dream Come True
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My List [Sep. 18th, 2007|11:24 am]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

Okay so here's my very scary list. I'm including the fest fics I have as well as the things that have had sitting around without a deadline just because it looks more impressive if I do that. *g*
This way for my scary list )
My goal is to have that all completed by Jan 1st, but we'll see. *deep breath* Has someone put the coffee on?

Edit: Oh crap. I was only supposed to say what I want to complete in 5 weeks, wasn't I? Okay, let's say I'd like to finish as much of this list as possible in that time.
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