February 22nd, 2013

[info]melisandewyndel in [info]find_players

Sidhe Queen and Fae Court for Bizarre City

Hi, I'm Kaelie. I play and co-mod for [info]bizarre_city which needs a Sidhe Queen for the Faerie Territories in our community SL. We're seeking an active player interested in merging background stories with [info]gilded_justice, adviser and long term friend, and [info]aeipathy, loyal subject and daughter of a deceased friend.

I'm highly active. Flexible. Communication is a must for accepting this character opening! It's an NPC that has been purposely left generic and vague for a player to flesh out to their wants!

If you like supernatural elements, paranormal things, and freedom to be as creative as you want, come talk to us!

[info]cannottescape in [info]find_players

Anyone out there itching for a slashy, post-Hogwarts, soulmate type line?

I'm looking for a romantic interest for my Theodore Nott (on this journal, beware triggery content) over at [info]amesoeurmods

There are a few routes to play, but a couple could be:
- a romantic partner who turns out not to be his soulmate
- a soulmate he hasn't met before who hates him; his dad was an active DE member and that kind of thing follows him around
- someone he works with at the Wandmakers?

I completely adore 'odd couples' and I would love to see him with Dean Thomas, Charlie Weasley, Ron Weasley or pretty much whoever your heart desires.

For more info hit me up here or at barbedwirekitty at gmail.com
