October 6th, 2012

[info]prinfiggins in [info]find_players

[info]wmhigh is desperately searching for: Artie Abrams, Joe Hart, Ryder Lynn, Kitty, Wade "Unique" Adams, Jake Puckerman, Brody Weston, Cooper Anderson, Dottie Kazatori and The Warblers: Sebastian Smythe, Hunter, Thad, David, Flint & Wes. Also: Cassandra July, Isabelle Wright, Peter Livingston, Chase Madison, Chandler Kiehl, David Karofsky, and Harmony Pearce.

We also want original characters with the faces of the Glee Project kids. Glee Project kids especially wanted are: Cameron Mitchell, Aylin Baramoglu, Michael Weisman, Marissa von Bleicken, Shanna Henderson, Nellie Veitenheimer, Emily Vasquez, Tyler Ford, Dani Shay, Charlie Lubeck, Abraham Lim & more.

We are a small psl-based community that has been going strong for the last 11 months. We are pseudo-canon which allows our writers total freedom over their characters while staying accurate to who the characters are. If you are interested in writing with active, dedicated, funny and friendly people who love Glee and converse on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities, group threads and scene regularly - our game is the place for you! Interested? Click here for more info.

[info]forsilvra in [info]find_players

Forsilvra: Winds of Change

Look For A few critical characters!

Nobility Young and Old behind the cut! )

[info]clauds in [info]find_players

A few very specifically wanted characters at [info]f_rogers, for various SLs... (though others are, of course, encouraged.)

Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter
What game would be complete without Draco Malfoy in it? We have a few Slytherins already so he won't be without like-minded individuals, though there may be (fun!) conflict over blood purity stances.

(Reference for more details/contact)
Lily Luna Potter - Harry Potter
Albus and Harry Potter are both in the game and could both use LiLu's shining face to brighten their play. Plus, depending on house and personality, she could have a number of potential friends (Gryffindor or Slytherin, or both!) or could bridge a social gap.

(Reference for more details/contact)
Tony Stark - Iron Man/The Avengers
We have Clint "Hawkeye" Barton, Natasha Romantoff, James Rogers, Johnny Storm - and no Tony Stark! How can we have a myriad of superhero-like people without having Iron Man himself? Plus, who doesn't love to have a playboy billionaire philanthropist around? Though Tony would be cut off from his funds - something that would also be quite amusing to see...

(Reference for more details/contact)
Jane Foster - Thor
We have Padmé Amadala and Anakin Skywalker - think of the laughs at the confusion that her presence would cause. PLUS, Jane is amazing and wonderful. She could explore the idea of being in an alternate dimension and undoubtedly make a number of friends.

(Reference for more details/contact)
Jaina Solo - Star Wars
We have Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Galen Marek, and more... in short, we have a number of awesome Star Wars characters, but we're greedy and want more. Past the fact we'd love her for the sheer fact her character is kick-butt, the Star Wars ladies could use another around! She would have a good number of plot options too.

(Reference for more details/contact)
Qui-Gon Jinn - Star Wars
We have both Anakin and Obi-Wan, from before and after Anakin's fall respectively. As one can imagine, tensions are high between the two. Someone, like Master Jinn, whom they each trust showing up might do them some good and he could explore life outside of the Jedi Order.

(Reference for more details/contact)
And many others at the renovated wanted post here, but especially these! Please? We would be thrilled to get more new players and characters in to add to the fun.