January 20th, 2012

[info]megsrevolution in [info]find_players

Hello everyone! I'm writing on behalf of my characters and the other characters over at [info]assimlimods! At Assimli we're an AU next-next gen game taking place a wizarding University set in 2051 (We're talking Harry & Co's grandchildren!) We've been open for a while and things are still going strong! Plot is easy to get into, and we pride ourselves on having friendly players and a drama-free environment.

We're really looking for siblings of casted characters and EIK's along with fun an active players!

An example of siblings and EIK's we're looking for! )

If you have any questions please leave me a note here, or at assimlimods@gmail.com, or just head on over to the mod page!

[info]ex_maligned659 in [info]find_players

Leopold would do anything to spend his every moment with his mermaid bride.

Premise | Rules | Races | Places | FAQ | Cast List
Taken PBs | Holds | Application | Wanted | Dropbox | Members

[info]maligned, a modern supernatural pb game set in Boston, MA.
Bring us your new or homeless characters!