August 13th, 2011

[info]guildforum in [info]find_players

Guilds, medieval roleplay

Play By Post RPG | Fantasy setting.

Choose your side between the City state of Svalden or The kingdom
Invite your friends to form a guild and become a force to be reckoned with

Game information
RPG Rating 1.1.2. | PG 13
Literacy level: Beginner to Moderate.

VBulletin 4.1. Forum software.
WYSIWYG editor for all your posts, easy to use

Genre: Medieval fantasy
Loosely based on Spice and Wolf [Anime]

What kind of characters are we looking for
Traders, Magicians, knights, Adventurers of all sorts. Human race players prefered.
Other allowed races: Wolf(Both normal and Human form), Elves of all lineages.
Dwarves of all heights, Human form dragons of all colors.