May 3rd, 2011

[info]deadparrot in [info]find_players

Hi there! I'm not sure if this is the right sort of thing, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm Reb, and I'm looking for fellow Torchwood players to help me exercise my lovely Dr. Owen Harper muse! Oh yes I am.

Whether this takes the form of a game (panfandom/essences, AU, Torchwood/Doctor Who specific, it's all gravy with me) or a PSL (I'd love to play Owen against Toshiko, Gwen and Ianto especially) isn't really of consequence - I'd just love to play! If you're interested, then that's super smashing great and you're my favourite forever. Thanks for listening!

[info]newworlds_fan in [info]find_players

Characters Wanted (edited) )