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Final Fantasy Asylum

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[Apr. 20th, 2010|10:55 pm]
Fatalis Venatus

As the Second Sorceress War slipped from all-consuming present into the recent past, the world is primarily in a state of balance and peace. However, the upheaval that the war caused is not gone from the minds of those that lived through it, and for most, 'normalcy' is about the most abnormal thing that they can fathom, causing each day to seem somewhat surreal. The governments of Galbadia and Esthar are in the process of beginning to try war criminals, some with names as infamous as Edea Kramer and Seifer Almasy, and Balamb is flourishing under its new Commander, war hero, Squall Leonhart.

Though things are indeed calm in comparison to the War, things are perhaps not as at ease as they seem on the surface. In Galbadia, rebels and protesters, dissatisfied with the ways of the government and with the policies enforced post-war, are rising up in acts of isolated terrorism. There is an air of civil unrest amongst the citizens in many of the bigger cities, and small crime and vandalism are on the rise. Esthar, having finally done away with its seclusion, has opened itself not only to the world, but to the worry that it will not be able to defend itself from outside forces, should trouble once again arise. In an effort to remedy this fear, The Estharian Government, lead primarily by President Laguna Loire, is entering negotiations with Balamb Garden to build, train, and equip a Garden of their own.

Fatalis Venatus is a role-play set in the post-game world of Final Fantasy VIII that focuses on the world and the characters as they recover and rebuild their lives in the wake of chaos. How easy is it to be complacent once your world has been turned upside down and righted again?

Come join Fatalis Venatus, a canon based Final Fantasy VIII roleplay looking for both canon (all games!) and original players!

Game officially opened 4/18. Apply now!


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[Feb. 5th, 2010|10:55 pm]
Title: Climbing Through Windows
Author: [info]smgriffin
Rating: PG, possibly PG-13 for language
Pairing: SxS, SxZ, SxSxZ
Summary:  Fifteen years after time compression, Seifer Almasy is pushing to make ends meet with two kids, a cheap job, and an interfering ex-wife. Will the choice to return to Balamb be the answer to his problems or will old rivals ruin what he has?
Warnings: Future!Fic, Kid!Fic

(Chapter One)
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[Dec. 26th, 2009|12:32 am]
Would anyone be interested in doing a FF PSL with me?
I really want to play some Final Fantasy lines!
I play...Kuja, Reno, and Kadaj mostly, in that order.
I'd love some slash. Feel free to look at my journal, there's some more information located there.
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[Nov. 14th, 2009|12:59 pm]
.:Midgar City:.

A social uprising looms on the horizon as the ShinRa Electric Power Company gains a stranglehold on the world. Their Mako reactors pollute the land and mutate local wildlife into ferocious beasts, even as they provide everyone with an affordable and efficient power source. A rebel faction known only as AVALANCHE, many of its members touched by tragedy brought on by the corporation, boldly choose to fight back; but at what cost? Without ShinRa the economy would undoubtedly falter. There is no real evil here — only a difference in opinion. On which side of the conflict will you fall?

Midgar City is a Final Fantasy VII role-play set in an alternate universe. The game will explore the initial themes of Man vs. Corporation, as opposed to launching into a plot to save the world from Sephiroth, Jenova and Meteor. Characters from all Square Enix games are welcome so long as they are altered to fit the universe. Come play a part in crafting the social hierarchy!

[info]midgarmods [info]midgarcity [info]midgarooc

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Looking for FF Muse's [Oct. 14th, 2009|12:30 am]
Looking for Final Fantasy character players to add to the needs-to-be-bigger Final Fantasy cast! )
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|01:08 pm]
in a game about the FF7 verse, we need more FF7 characters! )
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Dark City Treno RPG || Now Open [Sep. 21st, 2009|11:39 am]
Final Fantasy Characters Welcome/Wanted )
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Treno RPG [Sep. 16th, 2009|01:02 pm]
Final Fantasy characters welcomed/wanted~ )
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Dark City Treno RPG [Sep. 11th, 2009|07:29 pm]
RPG now open and accepting/welcoming to Final Fantasy characters~ )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2009|03:48 pm]
RP now open || seeking members || Final Fantasy cast Welcomed~ )
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[Aug. 25th, 2009|07:31 pm]
[info]ffu You should really check this out.
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Final Fantasy IV Asylums [Apr. 3rd, 2009|07:03 pm]
[Mood | accomplished]

For all FF4 fans:
[info]blue_planet a general Final Fantasy IV asylum.
[info]red_moon a Final Fantasy IV Fan Fiction asylum.
[info]white_moon a Final Fantasy Fan Artwork asylum.
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More art from me... [Jun. 26th, 2008|07:49 pm]
[Mood | artistic]

Fandom: Final Fantasy X/X-2
Characters: Rikku
Rating/Warnings: Er, very bright? Sloppy bg? Really bad realism?
Info: Anyone remember the rumour that Rikku was supposed to star in X-3 before it was scrapped? Well, I decided to play around little with the idea.

Final Fantasy X-3?
by *Caithyra on deviantART
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Rydia Manga Page [May. 30th, 2008|08:25 pm]
[Mood | artistic]

First post!

Just thought I'd share this manga page I have done, just beware, there's spoilers of Final Fantasy IV's ending. Though you can't see it in the thumbnail.

Rydia's Ordeal
by *Caithyra on deviantART

(Hopefully I didn't break any rules.)
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[Apr. 19th, 2008|10:51 am]
[Mood | hopeful]

Through the door, your birth from sleep is nigh at hand, but time is not cheap. The war will rage inside this cage and pave the way for a brand new age. Unbolt your heart. Let dark shine through.

It’s time to awaken a better you.

Evil is as evil does, so find your way in Never Was. The memories haunt, your lies take shape. You’re stuck here now. There’s no escape. Your skin will crawl. Your eyes may weep. This is your heart—welcome to the deep.


Chapter I: Welcome to the Deep

NOTE → I received permission earlier in the month to post an ad for this roleplay, but if I repeat ad isn't okay then please just let me know and I'll delete this entry.

X-POSTED TO [info]kingdomhearts.
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Small Icon dump {ff8} [Apr. 15th, 2008|07:17 pm]

Eight FF8 icons

The rest are here.
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Roleplay Ad - Opening Soon [Apr. 5th, 2008|11:30 am]
click for details. )

[info]vitiatus is a brand new Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy roleplay community hosted right here on InsaneJournal. Almost all characters from every series are open for application, so if you like darkly themed plots then please consider checking this game out!

X-POSTED TO [info]kingdomhearts WITH MOD PERMISSION.
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For You (G, Cloud) [Mar. 27th, 2008|02:39 pm]
Title: For You
Author/Artist: GuiltyRed
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word count: 364
Summary: Cloud pauses between battles to discover what is and is not his.
Prompt: Possession

For You

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Final Fantasy X/X-2 Icon Dump [Mar. 27th, 2008|12:21 pm]
Image Hosting by

Final Fantasy X/X-2
50/100 icons for iconfiend100

Credits: Here

Image Hosting by Image Hosting by Image Hosting by

No more. Enough, Wakka.
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|11:15 am]
[Location |Winnipeg, MB, Canada]
[Mood | bored]
[Music |Melodies of Life - Final Fantasy IX]

Name: Julie
Age: 16
How you got into the FF games: Older brother. His playing FF7 influenced me so much that I named my own characters after his when I started playing it. XD
Fave female char: Aeris. I would love Garnet too if she hadn't ended up basically useless, whereas my Aeris was actually a pretty hard hitter while she lasted. I also adore Ashe. (I have her wall scroll! \o/)
Fave male char: ... oh man. Cloud, followed by Zidane, followed by Balthier.
Fave all time char: Vivi. My god, I love the kid so much. ;_;
Fave ships: Zack/Cloud/Aeris, Balthier/Vaan/Ashe, Zidane/Kuja, Zidane/Garnet, Rikku/Lulu [wut], Cloud/Squall/Vaan/Tidus-- [I'M COMPLETELY SERIOUS. :|]

... AS YOU MAY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO TELL - yeah, IX, VII, and XII are definitely my favourites (in that order).
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