Fickle Freckle fecked a fic of frantic fellows
try saying that ten times fast

freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]freckles42
Date: 2007-10-24 14:08
Subject: drawbles
Security: Public
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Tags:drawbles, fansketch

So, here we go... They should all be worksafe, but the third and fifth ones may not be okay in a very conservative office (third has a fully covered couple in bed and the fifth has fully clothed boykissing). These were in response to a drawble meme I did on my LJ.

auror, the fairy glens, G )

wook77. Dean, smile. G )

greyling, sleepywarmth/comfort, hair. PG )

thecityofdis. Grindelwald in black. PG )

floweringjudas: Percy/Harry, sofa. PG-13! )

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freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]freckles42
Date: 2007-02-01 09:55
Subject: Fansketch - Bella and her Coat of Many Colours
Security: Public
Mood:amused amused
Tags:fansketch, potterverse

Title: Bella and her Coat of Many Colours
Characters: Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, untold numbers of cubs, and Bellatrix Lestrange
Rating: PG, I suppose, for use of real fur.
Disclaimer: None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
What: Well... [info]ragdoll and I got into a... discussion... on her LJ about what should be done to Technicolour Puppy Love. To quote her:

*gags* Seriously, that's one of the things I hate most in the world...I am actually okay with Remus/Tonks sometimes but the whole werewolf cubs thing is just...*stabbity stabbity stabbity* My inner Bella wants to make them into fur coats. *hums the Cruella DeVille song*
To which I replied that I was off to draw that. Ten minutes later, you have the crack that is behind the cut.
Notes: Um. It's just wrong. And a story in three parts. And extremely rough (as in, I spent almost no time on it and there's ZERO shading). But I giggled. So... in all its 2B glory... With only minimal adjustments...

Bella and her Coat of Many Colours )

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freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]freckles42
Date: 2006-12-09 09:53
Subject: Fansketch: Pansy Parkinson
Security: Public
Mood:cranky cranky
Tags:fansketch, potterverse

Who: Pansy Parkinson
Rating: PG (skimpy clothes, but she's fully dressed)
What: Fansketch
Medium: Pencil (2H, HB, 4B)
Disclaimer: All characters portrayed are at least 18 years of age. None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
Notes: Wow, it's been awhile since I updated! My apologies, friends. Here, have a sexy Pansy instead. She's had breast-enhancement surgery and charms done. This was done without a photo reference, but I'm still rather pleased with how it turned out. It's definitely NOT my usual "facing forward" pose. Nor does she have Generic Girl Face. I've had a lot of fics turned in but unfortunately they won't be revealed for another month, at least... I need to write more, I know. Anyway, back to Pansy. She is wearing a lot of pink, though you can't really tell. But trust me... it's hideous and she LOVES it. Oh, and always, click through for a close up.

Should I ink and colour? Colour in photoshop? Or pencil in more and give her more depth?

Naughty girl )

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January 2008