Fickle Freckle fecked a fic of frantic fellows
try saying that ten times fast

freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]freckles42
Date: 2007-10-22 00:19
Subject: Liquid Courage - October 22nd, 2007
Security: Public
Mood:good good
Tags:*fic, 2007-10, author: freckles42, character: angelina, content: voyeurism, fanfic, femmeslash, potterverse, theme: lost prompts

Title: Liquid Courage
Author: [info]frecklesr42
Characters: Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Voyeurism
Abandoned prompt: Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, either post-Hogwarts (reunion and catching up for lost time) or their last year at school (Katie 6th-year - How did it start?). Add twins at your own discretion.
Word Count: ~4300
Summary: The three former Gryffindors are together again at last.
Author's notes: Many thanks to [info]emiime for her extra set of eyes (wow, that sounds creepy). XD Hope you enjoy! Originally posted to [info]daily_deviant in October of 2007.

Katie was already stripping down as she walked through the door )

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